Wednesday 29 May 2013

New Issue in Pioneers of Freedom --

                              Date of issue : 24th May,2013
                                Nawab Sadiq Muhammad Khan Abbasi V
15 June 2013
                                       Commemorative Postage Stamp Ibn-e-Insha
12 June 2013
                                 Commemorative Postage Stamp Ishfaq Ahmed
30 May 2013
                                                  100 Years of Islamia College Peshawar
  12 June 2013
                                                           Commemorative Postage Stamp Mumtaz Mufti
20 June 2013
Commemorative Postage Stamp 60 Years of All Pakistan News Paper Society (APNS)

Monday 27 May 2013

Commemorative Stamp on Election 2013

Saturday 4 May 2013

Pakistan mint stamps 2001 ~ 2013

On the Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Powered Flight (1903-2003)

Date of Issue (December 17, 2003)
Year 2003 marks a historic year in aviation. On 17 December 1903, the sands of Kitty Hawk, North California witnessed a breathtaking spectacle in the annals of human history. On this epoch-making date, a hundred years ago, two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, stunned the world by staging a successful flight in their first piloted biplane. Their intense preoccupation with flying was fuelled not by economic necessity but mostly from their imaginative determination to cross one of the last technological barriers to human flight-stability in the air. The event changed the course of history. The year 2003 therefore is a year to celebrate the past and embrace the future.
After the death in a crash of Otto Lilienthal in 1896, Orville and Wilbur Wright became increasingly infatuated with aviation. They first built in August 1899 a biplane kite of 5-foot span. During the next three years, they developed, designed and tested, with varying degrees of success, three gliders. After the eventual success of the third glider, constructed during August and September 1902, the two brothers turned to the design of a powered aircraft for which they built their own 12 hp engine and propeller. After an unsuccessful attempt at Kitty hawk on 14 December 1903. Orville Wright took of at 10:35 a.m. on 17 December logging a flight of 12 seconds covering 120 feet. This was acclaimed as the world's first manned, powered, controlled and sustained flight in a heavier-than-air machine. During the fourth and final flight that day, Wilber flew for 59 seconds covering 852 feet.
The Wright brothers' quest for powered flight spanned many years and took them many thousands of miles from their home in Dayton, Ohio. The Wright story did not end on December 17, 1903 with Wilbur's flight of 120 feet from the beach of Kitty Hawk, but grew as they took their invention to Europe. Their demonstrations of the 'Wright Flying Machine' brought their accomplishment to the World scene in a way that truly marked the beginning of a new era.
At the dawn of the centennial year of powered flight on 17 December 2003, aviation technology has traversed a long distance, interspersed with phenomenal strides, over the past one hundred years. This is true of all kinds of aviation-commercial, general , military and space-focused. In just 100 years man has progressed from those first hesitant hops to conquering the globe and beyond it into space. Distances have amazingly shrunk, and man has already stepped on the moon. Every place on earth is now only hours away-rather than weeks or months before the aeroplane. The story of the preceding century is one of unceasing innovation, vision and outstanding courage in unlocking the secrets of flight and extending the boundaries of performance.
Equipped with hi-tech combat planes with vastly enhanced capabilities of speed, reach, mass, surprise, flexibility, accuracy, manoeuvrability and lethality, air power has become a decisive arbiter in modern warfare. The spectacular performance of air power in recent conflicts in the Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq and the favourable outcomes deriving from its effective application, both in peace and theatres of crises, points to its undisputed potency as an element of force projection. Air power, it appears, has acquired for itself the mantle of authority to fulfil the prophesies of its ardent advocates like Glulo Douhet, and perhaps exceeds his vision of the potential of air bombardment. Winston Churchill, minced no words in acknowledging the role of air power when he stated:
For good or ill, air mastery is today the supreme expression of military power. And fleets and armies, however necessary and important must accept subordinate rank. This is a memorable milestone in the march of man.
Growing from a small band of dedicated airmen with a meagre stock of aircraft and equipment, Pakistan Air Force did not take long to attain the stature of a force "second to none", befitting the fond aspiration of Father of the Nation, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It has triumphantly withstood many a challenge and tribulation since its inception, fifty-six years ago. It continues to strike awe into the heart of the enemy despite his vast numerical superiority. Inexorably destined to fight outnumbered. PAF has always counted on the quality and character of its personnel and leaders who consider it a sacred trust and commitment to jealously guard its repute as a potent force to reckon with.
PAF has had the distinction of acquitting itself most admirably in situations threatening the survival and security of Pakistan right from the Kashmir War in 1948. In every trial and crisis, the servicemen of this gallant force have measured up to the trust of the nation in the tradition of their illustrious predecessors. The superb performance of Pak Fizaia and the air supremacy that it commanded during the fateful war of 1965 was hugely acclaimed both at home and abroad. With similar courage, zeal and prowess, PAF participated in the 1971 War generating much higher rate of war missions and raids on the enemy targets than that of 1965 War. It is a pity that its outstanding performance remains eclipsed due to the unsavoury outcome of the war. So were daringly challenged and met frequent Afghan air incursions into Pakistan territory during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, resulting in loss of several intruding planes at the hands of brave and accomplished PAF pilots. During the 10- month long bitter eyeball-to-eyeball standoff with India, in 2001, PAF emerged highly alert, vigilant and ready to strike through rapid deployments of its combat elements along the possible spectrum of conflict. It is thus rightly adored as the 'pride of the nation'.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of powered flight, all ranks of Pakistan Air Force profoundly share the sense of jubilation surrounding the centennial celebration of powered flight on 17 December 2003. They pay their profound tributes to Wright Brothers, the brilliant legends of their times, whose indomitable passion to fly in a powered plane paved the way for an incredible revolution in human existence. Pakistan Air Force holds them and their successive generations of pilots, aeronautical designers and engineers in high esteem. On this centennial event, the fighting elements of PAF renew and reaffirm their resolve and commitment to hone their skill and capability to use the potent strength of air power in the best service of the nation.
Commemorative postage stamps issued on the eve of 100 years of powered flight reflect PAF's deep sense of belonging to this historic moment. The select aviation paintings by SMA Hussaini, PAF's official aviation artist, and Mr Shujaat, a UAE-based Pakistani artist chronicle the tale of this gallant service's courage and commitment which will evoke spontaneous admiration of the viewers at large. The nation's air arm considers it a pleasant obligation, on this singular occasion, to communicate to society the importance of aviation and to inspire the new generation to take up the challenge in combat aviation, in the supreme service of the nation. Pakistan Air Force owes to Pakistan Post Office profound gratitude for their keen interest in issuing these memorial Stamps and thus honouring not only PAF but also millions of aviation enthusiasts the world over.
Courtesy: Pakistan Air Force Dte. of Schools and Colleges RAHQ.

Year 2002 As Allama Muhammad Iqbal Year

Date of Issue (November 09, 2002)
Allama Muhammad lqbal is one of most outstanding poets, writers, intellectuals and thinkers of modern times.
lqbal was born at Sialkot on November 9, 1877. He held a brilliant academic record. After receiving his early education from Murrey College Sialkot, he did his Masters in Philosophy from Government College, Lahore and joined there as a lecturer. He left for Europe in 1905 and stayed there for three years. lqbal studied Philosophy and Law at the Trinity College, Cambridge, Lincoln's Inn, London and the Munich University. He was awarded a Ph.D by the Munich University on his renowned thesis "Mabaadut Tibbiyat".
He returned home in 1908 and rejoined service in the Government College, Lahore. He resigned after sometime and started practising Law. He was elected Member of the Punjab Legislative Assembly in 1926 for three years. In 1930 lqbal was elected President of the Muslim League session held at Alahabad. In 1931 and 1932 he attended the Round Table Conferences which met in London to frame a constitution for India and took active part in its various committees.
He was the first to give a concrete shape to the Muslim aspirations in India for 'a separate homeland', and defined its geographical boundaries as clearly and unambiguously as it could be possible far back in the year 1930. In his presidential Address at the Annual Session of the All India Muslim League at Allahabad (1930) he boldly asserted the Muslim demand for the creation of a Muslim India within India, and said "I would like to see the Punjab, the North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State".
It was lqbal's ferent appeal which persuaded the Quaid-e-Azam in 1934 to return from England and lead the Muslims of the Indo-Pakistan Sub- continent in their struggle for constitutional rights and it was in his letters to the Quaid-e-Azarn that he elaborated his scheme in its political as well as cultural context. He succeeded in convincing the Quaid-e-Azam that Pakistan was the only solution to the political problems of the Muslims of India, and it was on the foundations laid by 1qbal that the Muslim League's historic Pakistan Resolution of 1940 was based.
Thus, lqbal gave the blue-print for Pakistan. But the role he played in promoting an intellectual revolution among Muslims of the lndo-Pakistan Sub-continent is even more important.
He was a profound thinker who believed in dynamism, and throughout his poetry and prose he placed the greatest emphasis on 'action', interpreting it as 'movement'. Some of his epoch making poems are 'Shikwa', 'Jawab-e-Shikwa', 'Shama aur Shair', 'Asrar-o-Ramooz'. His genius is manifest in literary masterpieces like 'Payame mashhq'. 'Bange Dira'. 'Zabure Ajam', 'Bale Jibril', 'Zarb-e-Kalim', 'Pas Che-Bayad Kard Aee Aqwame 'Sharq' and 'Armughan-e-Hijaz'. Of all his masterpieces 'Javid Nama' could truly be regarded as lqbal's Magnum opus.
He believed, on the one hand, in the emancipation and freedom of the Muslims of the lndo-Pakistan Sub-continent and on the other, he argued for the unity of Muslim nations all-over the world. lqbal's political philosophy is not atomistic but organic in that it implied the formation of an association of the Muslim countries to better their own lot and be the upholder of peace and justice throughout the World. His verses in Urdu and Persian and his monumental treatises have been translated into almost all the important languages of the world and found wide recognition in Iran, Turkey, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Italy, USSR etc.
He died on April 21, 1938 at Lahore and was laid to rest near Badshahi Mosque. An academy named after him has been established by the Government of Pakistan to Promote and disseminate the messages and teachings of Allama Iqbal.

Wildlife Series Depicting "Birds"

Date of Issue (November 26, 2001)
'An over all sandy coloured terrestrial Pigeon like bird with a long pointed tail', is the only Sandgrouse in the region. The breast and belly of the bird is pure white with a broad pinkish chestnut breast band narrowly bordered by black in both sexes. The wing coverts are chocolate chestnut on the shoulder, each rounded feather margined with white the mantle and wing coverts are greenish yellow with Grey tips. The rump and tail are sandy yellow cross-barred black and the pintails are tipped.
This is a rather locally restricted Sandrgrouse, which is the winter visitor and passage migrant in autumn and spring to the small areas of N.W. Baluchistan, Northern Sindh and N.E. NWFP with a small number probably remaining to breed in the extreme S.W. corner of Baluchistan and on the Afghan Border around Chaman.
It feeds on green leaves, small seeds, pulse and grains. Breeds from May to July, lays normally 2-3 eggs on dry open flat ground without any sort of nest. This Sandgrouse is scarce in Pakistan.
BLUE THROAT (Luscima svecica)
In general it looks like a typical chat with a long-legged and slender body. The head, neck and back are greyish brown with a prominent creamy white supercilium. Its most conspicuous feature is the tail, which when fanned is russet chestnut with the central pair and a terminal band dark brown. Males have a striking pattern on the breast and throat and an iridescent blue patch on upper breast which is generally framed in a circlet at the mid-breast region. Females lack the blue throat patch but this area instead is noticeably white. The upper tail coverts are chestnut in both sexes.
A wide spread winter visitor throughout the Indus Plains from Punjab to Sindh. It also occurs in Baluchistan and NWFP during passage migration in spring and autumn. They obtain food by picking it off the ground and from low vegetation. Their diet comprises of mostly insects, small coleoptera, ants, and worms. They breed in alpine meadows in the north. The nest is a cup shaped structure concealed in a clump of grass or hollow in the ground, lay 4-6 eggs pale sage green to olive green colour mottled with reddish brown. Egg laying start in May with an incubation period varies from 13-14 days. Status Frequent in Winter.
HOOPOE (Upupaepops)
A medium sized bird but more slender in build with down curved black bill adapted for probing in the ground.
Its most conspicuous feature is the erectile crest of long narrow feathers down the Centre of the crown. Its head and body are orange-brown with black wings and tail prominently barred with a white on the wing coverts and the base of the black tipped flight feathers. The whole of the upper surface of the wings bears transverse black and white bars. The tail has a one broad white band in an inverted "V" pattern surrounded by black. The Iris is brown and feet are slaty brown, sexes are alike. The lower belly is whitish and the nape mantle is often ashy fawn colour.
Hoopoe breeds in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Indian Sub-Continent, China, lndo-Chinese Region, Malaysia and Indonesia. It inhabits areas which are lightly wooded and preferably where is some grass covering the ground. In Pakistan they are locally migrant but largely resident population, some which winters but not breed in Sindh and also a population which migrate to Himalaya and extralimitally in Central Asia for breed. Hoopoe is a pair bond and monogamous bird. During nesting they make cracks and holes in old trees comprises of a pad of straw, animal hair and feathers, lay 4-7 eggs of skim milk blue rapidly becoming stained brown. Only female incubates from 15-17 days and males bring food for her and nestling.
Status common
INDIAN MAGPIE ROBIN "DHYAL" (Copsychus Sanlaris)
It is a very large chat with relatively stout bill and long tail. The male is metallic blue black all over the head, neck, back and wings, with outer tail feathers and belly pure white. The female is of similar pattern but blue black is replaced by dark iron Grey or unglossy. In both sexes legs and feet are black. It is found throughout the year with sedentary habit and well known bird, wide spread in India and South East Asia. In Pakistan it is uncommon but resident in the outer foot hills of the Murree hills extending down to lslamabad. These large chat forage solitarily expect for during the nesting season and run forward in hopping spurts like typical chats raising their tail over the back as they pause, often fanning open the tail and drooping the wings. Their food includes a wide variety of soil born crustacean, mollusca, spiders, millipedes and insects. They make nests in tree holes and use drain pipes and eaves of buildings as nest boxes. The bird from April to July lay 3 to 5 eggs pale green in colour densely spotted and splotched with reddish brown. Incubation take 12-13 days, males help in bringing food to the nestling, in close attendance or escorting the female during incubating and rearing the chicks. Males sing throughout the nesting season and often in post monsoon and autumn season. Status very local and scarce.

Chashma Nuclear Power Plant

Date of Issue (March 29, 2001)
The "Chashrna Nuclear Power Plant" has been designed and built in collaboration with People's Republic of China, and is being operated and maintained by Pakistani scientists and engineers, delivering full power of 300 Mew to the national grid since September 15th 2000. With the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant also operational since 1971, Pakistan is the only country in the Muslim World operating nuclear power plants. Nuclear power is safe, economical and environment-friendly. Further it is an essential ingredient and stabilizing factor in our energy options. Due to emission of greenhouse gases from fossil fuel plants and is resultant effect towards global warming, there is a growing consensus in the developed countries for the revival of the nuclear power industry. With worldwide reserves of fossil energy resources approaching their limits it is essential for Pakistan to pursue a sustainable programme for development of self-reliance in energy production.
2. The Chashma Nuclear Power Plant is pressurized water reactor (PWR) type. It is located near Chashma Barrage on the left bank of River Indus, 32 Kms South of Mainwali City, 280 Kms South West of Islamabad and 1160 Kms North East of Karachi. The plant site has been thoroughly investigated and found suitable in accordance with international standards by domestic as well as international experts. Seismic aspect has also been reviewed by IAEA who found the site suitable for construction of nuclear power plant.
3. Pakistan's second nuclear power plant is being inaugurated by the Chief Executive of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf on March 29th 2001.

50th Anniversary of Pak-China Friendship

Date of Issue (May 12, 2001)


1) Pakistan has an enduring, multi-dimensional and deep-rooted relationship with China. The long-standing ties of friendship between the two countries are underpinned by mutual trust and confidence. A close identity of views and mutuality of interest remain the hallmark of bilateral ties.
2) Pakistan has always supported China on all issues of importance to the latter, especially those related to the question of China's sovereignty e.g. Hong Kong, Taiwan and Tibet and other sensitive issues such as human rights. The Chinese leadership has always appreciated Pakistan's steadfast support on issues of their concern. They are also generous in acknowledging the significant role of Pakistan in the early 70s, which enabled China to break its isolation from the West and the US.
Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Pak-China Friendship (Diplomatic Relations):
3) Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China were established on 21 May, 1951. The 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations this year is an occasion of great significance both in historic terms as well as for a strong public manifestation of the durability and the strength of Pak-China relations.
4) A series of high level exchanges, hallmark of which is Premier Zhu Rongji's visit to Pakistan on 11-14 May, 2001 and President of Pakistan's visit to China later this year as part of the commemorative events for the golden jubilee celebrations. In addition, high profile cultural and business activities would be undertaken, including Pakistan's participation in the Beijing International Trade Fair in April 2001, civil awards for Chinese nationals in recognition of their contribution to Pak-China friendship and cooperation in various fields issuance of first day covers/commemorative stamps to mark the occasion.
5) To mark the 50th Anniversary of Pak-China Friendship, Pakistan Post Office is issuing a set of 3 commemorative postage stamps on May 12, 2001.
6) As a part of Golden Jubilee Celebrations, Pakistan and China, Pakistan Post Office will be issuing First Day of Issue covers with the stamps of the 2 respective countries duly pasted.
7) Pakistan and China will further be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Pak-China friendship by releasing First Day of Issue Covers simultaneously at Beijing and Islamabad on May 21. Special ceremonies will be held in the respective capitals to mark the release of First Day of Issue Covers containing postage stamps of the respective countries on both the First Day Covers duly defaced with special postmarks of 21 May, 2001.
A brief about the renowned Chinese painter, Professor Yao Youduo and his famous paintings titled, "TWO PAKISTANI WOMEN DRAWING WATER" and "MA GU'S BIRTHDAY OFFERING"
8) The two paintings of the renowned Chinese national painter are reproduced in se tenant format. He is universally known as an artist of humanity and poetic beauty.
9) Professor Yao Youduo is head of the second studio of Chinese Painting Department at Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing China.
10) Professor Yao is a master of the Eastern tradition and he uses the brush with great skill to create line drawings, shading, perspective, texture color and a unified composition. The artist has a special feeling for Minority Peoples of China, and many of these women and Children are from the Dai nationality.
11) There is one beautiful and powerful painting of two "Pakistani Village Women" drawing water from the stream. They are strikingly beautiful, strong, and confident. Yet shy and suspicious of being observed. The composition is Chinese but the feel is oriental. Only a genius could capture these emotions
12) Professor Kayama Matazo of Tokyo University of Fine Arts has hailed Yao as the "Contemporary master painter and a rising star of Chinese Painting".
13) Pakistan Post takes great pride in reproduction of his majestic paintings.
125 years of Convent of
Jesus & Mary Lahore

Date of Issue (November 15, 2001)
Drawing inspiration from the Foundress of the Sisters of the congregation of Jesus and Mary, Saint Claudine Thevenet, who said, "Let us so form these children that they may be regarded as a blessing in every house they enter", the Convent of Jesus and Mary started serving the cause of education in the city of Lahore in November 1876 in the Anarkali district south of the city wall. The School received official recognition in 1881, but by 1913 due to the congestion of the area and the fear of its being completely enclosed by the Bazaar, the property was sold to the Government and a site on Durand Road was chosen for the new building. Its healthy situation on Durand Road, spacious playing fields, wide and airy classrooms and homely atmosphere, drew greater numbers every year. After the Independence in 1947 the number of pupils greatly increased. In 1956 it was decided to open an Urdu Medium School to relieve the plight of many poor Christians and Muslims in the area who couldn't afford any education. A modest beginning was made with two rooms erected at the end of the school compound, facing Habibuilah Road, Fatima Urdu Medium School for girls began in this way with nine pupils. Fourteen years later a fine nine room building with classes from KG to Matriculation was built. Now it has about 500 pupils.
As the number increased of children seeking admissions increased, it proved difficult to provide better facilities in view of the Congregation's policy of self- support within the country and consequently no foreign aid. Government grants were hard to come by, so when the Parent Teacher Association was formed in 1968, one of its first aims was to improve and extend existing facilities and provide new ones. The Management was keenly interested in providing better science facilities, as well as training in Housecraft and Home Economics for the pupils - the future mothers of Pakistan. So with generous contributions by the parents and doubling of the funds by the Saigol family the science and domestic science block was opened on 7th November 1970. In 1976 the school celebrated its centenary in educating the youth of Lahore. In January 1998 it was decided to include, among the educational services, a centre for children with special needs. The Centre started in some spare rooms at the back of the Mariam Hall on February 3rd 1999. On July 22nd 1999 construction of Thevenet Center began, and it was officially opened on February 3rd, 2000. The aim of the center is to provide services that enable these children to realize their fullest potential and live the most independent lives possible. It now has about 50 pupils. Now in 2001 the school is celebrating its 125th year of educating the youth of Lahore.
Dr. Imtiaz Ali Taj

Date of Issue (October 13, 2001)
Syed lmtiaz Ali Taj, prose and drama writer, was born in Lahore on October 13, 1900. After his education, he was able to partake in his father's publishing institution, Dar-ul-Ishaat Punjab.
During his college days he showed his literary qualities by translating and directing several English plays, and then staging them for the college. He sometimes played female roles as girls in his time were not allowed to act.
His earliest involvement with publications began with 'Phool', a children's periodical and 'Tahzeeb-e-Niswan' for women readership.
In 1918 he began the literary magazine called 'Kehkashan' in collaboration with his friend, Maulana Abdul Majeed Salik. In Phool he had the assistance of the famous short story writer Ghulam Abbas Ahmed as well as young Ahmed Nadeem Oasmi.
He translated into Urdu Shakespeare's play 'A Mid Summer Nights Dream' and entitled it in 'Sawan Rain ka sapna'. In 1922 he wrote 'Anarkali', which became a landmark in Urdu drama writing. This was later adapted into feature films in India and Pakistan.
In 1926 he wrote a play 'Chacha Chhakan' which was similar to the famous characters 'Uncle Podger' of the English dramatist Jerome, Chacha Chhakan remains until today the most humorous character in the Urdu literature.
Apart from criticism on drama, he also wrote radio plays, novels, short stories and several film stories, some of them directed by him. As the Director of 'Majlis' he republished many critical works of Urdu literature.
After the establishment of Pakistan, Syed lmtiaz Ali Taj conducted a daily feature 'Pakistan Hamara Hai' for Radio Pakistan. It was no doubt a popular programme.
On 19th April, 1970 he breathed his last while he was asleep. 
Prof. Dr. Ishtiaq Husain Qureshi

Date of Issue (November 20, 2001)
Born at Patiali (U.P.), in 1902 in a lower middle class family of learned background, he made his mark as a student of the famous Muslim School of Etawa. Thereafter he drifted into politics and took an active part in the Khilafat movement. Passing the intermediate examination as a private candidate, he found a place in the St. Stephen's College of Delhi, rated as one of the top most colleges of India. In the M.A. examination he not only obtained the first position, but broke all records of the University. This secured for him a teaching position at the St. Stephen's College, In 1937 he proceeded to Cambridge from where he obtained a Ph.D. degree in History in 1939. A few years later he was appointed Professor of History at the University of Delhi and also became the Dean of the Faculty of Arts. He also served as Acting Vice Chancellor of the Delhi University. The publication of his book, "Administration of the Sultanate of Dehli", in 1942 became a land mark in the modern research in medieval history. After the Partition, he became a member of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.
In 1949 he was appointed Professor of History at the Punjab University, Lahore. But in the same year he joined the Government of Pakistan as Minister of Refugee Rehabilitation and later as central Minister of Education. After resigning his position as minister. Dr. Qureshi joined the Columbia University, New York. It was during his stay there he wrote his famous book, the Muslim Community of the Subcontinent (Hague, 1962). This book is the saga of the achievements and trials and tribulations of the Muslim community in its over one thousands years of history in the subcontinent. Dr. Qureshi also contributed a book on the Pakistan Movement entitled "The Struggle for Pakistan" another book on Education in Pakistan an authoritative book on the Administration of the Mughul Empire; and a book on the Role of the Ulema in the Politics. These books not only brought world fame to Dr. Qureshi, but also placed Pakistan on the world map of historical studies. Undoubtedly Dr. Qureshi was one of the most distinguished historians who flourished in the twentieth century the world over.
There can be no two opinions about the pivotal position of Dr. I.H. Qureshi in the haif-a-century history of the University of Karachi. While the pioneering services rendered by his predecessors cannot be denied. It is unquestionable that it was Dr. Qureshi who built up the institution into a truly full-fledged University. Quite a few departments were founded and a large number of new buildings were built during his tenure. Perhaps his greatest contribution was the building up of faculty cadres in all large Arts and science departments. Though himself not a scientist, his role in building up science departments and their faculties was truly unforgettable. During his long term the University came to enjoy unprecedented prestige as a center of higher studies and research, not only at home but also abroad. Graduates of this University found ready acceptance in prestigious foreign Universities.
To conclude, the late Dr. I. H. Qureshi was one of the most distinguished intellectuals historians and educationists that Pakistan has had during the last fifty years plus. It is only in the fitness of things that commemorative postage in his name is being issued.


Date of Issue (November 14, 2002)
Eid-ul-Fitr is the most important festival in the Islamic calendar. This festival is the culminating point of the Holy month of Ramazan, during which Quran-ul-Hakeem and Laila-tul-Qadr (Night of Grandeur) were gifted to the Muslim Ummah. While fasting teaches us self-discipline and provides us moral and spiritual blessings, Eid-ul-Fitr marks the end of the fasting and brings the message of collective merry-making as well as sharing our good fortune with the less fortunate in our fraternity.
The entire Muslim Ummah celebrates this most auspicious festival in every nook and corner of the world with great spiritual devotion, offering Eid Prayers in eidgahs, mosques or open spaces in towns and cities. The Eid-prayer is the clima of this grand festival. One can see during this special congregation endless sight of row upon row of the faithfully spread across the open air eidgahs, a supreme manifestation of the Muslim fraternity and equality of mankind.
After Eid prayers, the Muslims embrace and greet other fellow Muslims and pay visits to graveyards to pray for the departed souls. This sufficiently indicates that Islam is the religion of peace, friendship and aspires to promote universal brotherhood. Special sweet dishes are prepared and served to friends, relatives and other visitors to ones house. The young folk wear bright costumes and enjoy themselves with various types of entertainments on Eid day including a visit to special Eid Fairs and participating in different cultural activities. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to wear a new dress on this occasion. But it was always very simple which every member of the brother could afford.
No doubt, there were people who could not even afford such simple dresses. To make it possible for them to join the rejoicings of Eid, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) ordered the rich to pay them a prescribed amount (known as fitrana) in advance, so that they may be able to get their new dresses prepared for the occasion. The institution of Fitrana re-inforces Islam's emphasis on one's obligations towards society.
Some of the prescribed practices or special spiritual etiquettes of "Eid- ul-Fitr" are given below:-
1 . It is compulsory for all the faithfuls to take a bath and wear new dress.2. It is Sunnah to eat dates or some sweet dish before leaving for Eid prayers. The Holy Prophet always used to go for Eid congregation after eating some dates. (Reported by Anas bin Maalik & collected in Saheeh al-Bukhari (Eng. Trans. Vol. 2 P-40 No. 73) & Ahmad.
3. It is Sunnah to recite "Takbiraat" loudly while going to Eidgah for offering Eid prayers or coming back from there. It is reported that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself used to recite these "Takbiraat" with a loud voice on this day.
4. Pay Fitrana before Eid prayers to ensure that the less fortunate among us are also enabled to share the festivities. Fitrana is to be paid for every young or old. Its rates are fixed according to the prevailing rates of wheat and dates in various Muslim countries by Ulema.
5. It is preferable to offer the "Eid Prayer' in an open ground or Eidgah and not in the Masjid, if possible. (Bukhari and Muslim).
6. It is Sunnah to adopt different routes to and from the Eidgah, preferably going on foot. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself used to go the Eidgah on foot and declared that it was more rewarding to seek the Divine blessings. Jabir reported that the Prophet (PBUH) used to come tack from the Eid prayer on a path other than the one used in going to it. (Bukhari).
Sending Eid-greetings to friends and relatives are customary on this occasion throughout the Muslim world. Exchange of special Eid cards is to show affection for the near and dear ones.

Habib Bank Ag Zurich

Date of Issue (March 20, 2001)
Habib Bank AG Zurich, a Swiss incorporated bank was founded in 1967 by the renowned Habib Banking Family of Pakistan, the same family who had founded and owned Habib Bank (Overseas) Ltd. and Habib Bank Limited, the largest bank of Pakistan till it's nationalization in 1974.
At the time of it's incorporation,' Habib Bank AG Zurich had a modest capital of Swiss Francs 2 million, with only one branch in Zurich, Switzerland. After nationalization of all the banks in Pakistan, the family decided to grow and expand the operation of Habib Bank AG Zurich. Within a period of only 26 years of its expansion program, the family managed to grow the Bank to such an extent, that today it is ranked amongst the top 1000 banks of the world. This kind of exceptional achievement is diffcult for any banking institution to attain, in such a short period of time. Indeed, it is a milestone for a family owned and managed private banking institution. Such progress is difficult to achieve even after decades of existence.
"The Banker" magazine of England, in its July 2000 issue, gave the following rankings to Habib Bank AG Zurich: It appears as 862nd largest bank in the World's overall ranking, among hundreds of thousand of banks. The bank is placed as 342nd in soundness and is ranked as 420th in performance. The ranking by size and assets is 854th and by return on assets, the bank stands at 384th. Whereas in real profit growth, Habib Bank AG Zurich is ranked at 111th among all the banks of the world, a very creditable performance indeed.
"The Banker" has placed Habib Bank AG Zurich at 28111 largest bank among the 1,038 banks in Switzerland. In soundness, the bank enjoys a ranking of 1 0 and in performance 9. In real profit growth, the bank is ranked at number 4 in Switzerland, only after three major banks of Switzerland, i.e. Union Bank of Switzerland, Credit Suisse Group and EFG Bank European Financial Group. The capital adequacy of the bank can be judged by the fact that against a BIS capital requirement of 8%, the bank maintains 'A capital adequacy ratio of 19%'.
The bank has the largest over-seas network of branches as far as Swiss banks are concerned. Additionally, the bank enjoys a ranking of 362nd largest bank amongst the banks in Europe.
The above achievement for Habib Bank AG Zurich is not only a source of pride for the family who owns and manages this bank, but Pakistan can feel proud that it has produced bankers of the highest international standard. Habib Bank AG Zurich has branches all over the world i.e. Zurich, Switzerland, Moorgate, East End West End in London, Manchester, Glasgow, Leicester, Southall and Birmingham in England. In Kenya, Nairobi , Mombassa, Westland, Industrial Area.
In United Arab Emirates, the bank has branches in Deira, Par Dubai, Corporate Branch, Sikkat AI Khail, Jebel Ali, Sheikh Hamdan and AI Falah Street, Abu Dhabi and a branch in Sharjah. In Srilanka, the bank has branches in Main Street, Fort, Wellawatta, Colpetty, and a Foreign Currency Banking Unit in Colombo.
Habib Bank AG Zurich also has fully owned subsidiaries in Isle of Man, South Africa and Canada and representative offices in Hong Kong and Cario. The Bank has six branches in Pakistan including three in Karachi, and one each at Lahore, Faisalabad and Rawalpindi. The first branch was opened in Karachi in July 1989. Over a period of ten years, the bank has contributed over one and half billion rupees to the country's exchequer, besides providing employment to 370 people in Pakistan.

Abul Asar Hafeez Jalandhri

Date of Issue (January 14, 2001)
Abul Asar Hafeez Jalandhri, writer, poet and above all composer of the National Anthem of Pakistan was born in Jalandher on 14th January 1900. His early education includes the privilege of learning from the great Persian Poet Maulana Ghulam Qadir Bilgrarni.
As an active worker of Pakistan Movement, he propagated the cause of Pakistan through his writings. In 1948, he joined the fighting forces for the freedom of Kashmir and got wounded. This was then that he wrote the Kashmiri Anthem 'Watan Hamara Azad Kashmir'. He also wrote patriotic songs during 1965 war.
He held the position of Director General of morals in Pakistan Armed Forces, Chief Adviser to the President, Field Martial Muhammad Ayub Khan and Director of Writer's Guild.
His literary achievements earned him the editorship of some of the very important periodicals and magazines of his time like Phool, Pak Sarzameen, Hazar Dastan and Makhzan. He also wrote columns for several loading newspapers of Pakistan. His poetical works include the most famous 'Shahnama Islam" (4 Volumes) and children's songs (7 Volumes). His collection of short stories was published under the title of "Haft Paikar' and his best publication "Chayty Nama" was written just before his death which took place on 21st December 1982. For his literary and patriotic services he received the most coveted awards of Hilai-e-lmtiaz and the Pride of Performance awarded to him by the President of Pakistan.

55th Independence Day Celebrations
"Tehreek-e-Pakistan Key Mujahid"

Date of Issue (August 14, 2002) 4 Stamps
Noor us Sabah Begum was born on April 2, 1908 in Rampur State in the then United Provinces in a Yusufzai Pathan family.
2. On December 24, 25,1920 she was married to Mohammad Zaheer uddin Khan, a scion of the illustrous SHERPUR family. So all of a sudden she became a member of UP's ruling aristocracy - the ruling class of undivided India in UP. In 1911 Mohammad Zaheeruddin Khan joined the Congress and later on the Khilafat Movement and thereby brought the Sherpur family into the vortex of the Freedom Movement. A more important revolution took place in the life of Noor us Sabah Begum in 1922 when following her husband she joined the Khilafat Movement and on his advice met Bi Amman - the great mother of Maulana Mohammad Ali Jouhar. This step changed her life style. In the past in Sherpur her clothes, shoes, perfume, coats etc; were imported from London and she lived the Life of a Princess of Sherpur, but after joining the Khilafat Movement she changed her entire life style and started wearing Khaddar clothes and even her bed sheets, pillow cases ete were of Khaddar.
3. The Pakistan movement entered SHERPUR in 1937 and she started taking active interest in the All India Muslim League.
4. Meanwhile because of the education of her children, she shifted to New Delhi in 1941 and started taking part in the social activities of women in Delhi. In early 1945 after a meeting with the Quaid-e-Azam she was appointed first the Secretary and then the President of the New Delhi Muslim League.
5. It was one of her greatest achievements that with the motivation of Begum Mohammad Ali, wife of Maulana Mohammad Ali Jouhar - the only women member of the Working Committee of the All India Muslim League, that she brought the women's Muslim League from the confines of the homes of the wives of the Muslim bureaucrats of New Delhi, who were afraid to take part in the Pakistan movement, to the common Muslim women of old Delhi; so the women's Muslim League became a mass organization of the Muslim women of Delhi. And Noor us Sabah Begum became a mass speaker. Obviously her training in Sherpur and the status of the Sherpur Family was also an important factor. Subsequently she became the Secretary and ultimately the President at the time of partition of the Delhi Provincial Muslim League.
6. In February 1947 she went to Lahore to take part in the anti-khizr Hayat Movement and was soon arrested. DAWN, - the Muslim League's organ - carried her photo on the front page.
7. Since Begurn Maulana Mohammad Ali was the sole Muslim Woman to be a member of the working committee of the All India Muslim League - The Muslim League had constituted a committee for the women's Muslim League on all India level. Noor us Sabah Begum was elected as a member of this All India Committee in 1945 from Delhi.
8. Noor us Sabah Begum migrated to Pakistan on September 17, 1947 as her name was on the hit list of the Hindus. In Pakistan she became a member of the working committee of the Sindh Muslim League and the Council of the All Pakistan Muslim League. However, after the imposition of Martial Law in 1958 she gave up politics and concentrated on writing.
9. She wrote innumerable articles for 'Jang' and other newspapers and periodicals. Besides she wrote several literary books. 10. Apart from the above, The Prime Minister of Pakistan posthumously gave her a gold medal on August 14, 1992. 11. Such were the women created Pakistan, and Noorus Sabah Begum sacrificed the glitter, the gold and the glamour of Sherpur for the sake of Pakistan.
She died in Karachi, in Sherpar House, Leaving seven children behind her on July 14, 1978. Raees Amrohvi wrote a "Qata" on her death, which was published in Jang, Karachi the next day.
Born in 1897 in Ahmedabad. He passed his B.A. & L.L.B. examinations from Bombay University and joined the Ahmedabad Bar in 1920 and became a member of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation in 1924. He became one of the most prominent Advocates at Ahmedabad and was called upon by the Quaid to shift to Bombay when, as a Member of the public he gave his views for formulating reaction of the Muslim League to the Government of India Act 1935. The Quaid requested him to draft the official Muslim League Resolution, in spite of many senior and experienced Leaguers being present on the dais and in the front rows. He joined the Bombay Bar and in 1937 was elected to the Bombay Legislative Assembly of which he became Deputy Leader in 1938 and Leader in 1946. He was President of the Bombay Muslim League from 1940 to 1946 and a Member of the All-India Muslim League Working Committee from 1943 to 1947. His part in collection of Quaid-e-Azam Fund and securing hundred percent of Leaguers to the Bombay Provincial Assembly will long be remembered. Throughout his political career he remained in the Muslim League.
2. It is his work in Bombay that marked him out for selection in the interim Government of India in 1946 and thereafter in the first Pakistan Cabinet. On the Muslim League joining the interim Government in 1946. Mr. Chundrigar became the second senior most Ministers, being next to Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, from Among the Muslim Leaguers.
3. In 1957, the formation of Cabinet by Mr. Chundrigar with him at the helm of affairs was on basis of agreement with Republican party on two main points, i.e. that separate electorates and One Unit will be retained. He held various high posts after partition, in Pakistan such as Minister for Communication, Industries and Works, Ambassador of Pakistan in Kabul, Governor NWFP and Governor Punjab and piloted the Constitution of 1956. He was Prime Minister from October to December 1957 and was the only Prime Minister who resigned on a point of principle, rather then gives in and maneuver to stay on in power. At the time of dissolution of the National Assembly in 1958, he was leader of the Opposition.
4. He fought many a legal battle to maintain rule of law in Pakistan. The famous Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan case was conducted by him with dignity. He was not only a great efficient lawyer and statesman of international repute but also upholder of the cause of the noble profession of law. He was a man of clear vision and sound and upright thinking. One of the trusted lieutenants of Quaid-e-Azam, he was among the top lawyers of Pakistan and was the President of Pakistan Bar Association, Chairman of Prices Commission and of the Company Law Commission.
5. So steadfast in his outlook, so sincere in his motives, so able in advocacy. As an Advocate, he was well versed in the principles of law. He had an analytical frame of mind, which helped him in presentation of his case. He would not conceal a point which was against him but would meat it.
6. To junior members of the bar, he was an example to follow and a kind friend. To the bench his utmost desire and effort always to help it to do justice between parties. He died on 26th September 1960.
Courtesy: Mr. Akbar I. Chundrigar, The Son of Mr. I. I. Chundrigar.
RAHIMTOOLA, Habib lbrahim was educated at Xaviars College Bombay, where he got a B.A. and then did his LL.B in March 1935, aged 23 years. He was founder President of The Bombay Provincial Muslim Chamber of Commerce 1944-47. President of Federation Muslim Chambers of Commerce and Industries, New Delhi 1947-48, Mr. Habib Rahimtoola worked whole heartedly and canvassed for the Muslim League in the 1946 elections and was President of Bombay Provincial Muslim League Parliamentary Board for Local Bodies (Selection of candidates for election) 1945-47. He had the honour of actively canvassing for the Quaid-e-Azams own election to the Central Assemblies from Bombay. He was President Bombay Muslim Students Union 1946-48.
2. The Quaid then nominated him to be the Senior Nominee of the Muslims to the Government of India Food Delegation to the U.K. and USA in 1946, he used this opportunity to convince the Governments of U.K. and USA about the future Pakistan state and the need of a separate homeland for the Muslims of India. Later he was nominated by Quaid- e-Azam to represent the Muslims of India as Alternate Leader Govt. of India Delegation to ITEC (GATT) Geneva, 1947, and then again as Alternate Leader Govt. of India Delegation to the SC Conference in Paris 1947.
3. Mr. Habib lbrahim Rahimtoola was sent to receive the Independence of Pakistan formally from the British Government and he had the honour of formally unfurling the Pakistani Flag for the first time in its history abroad. He stayed on as Pakistan's first High Commissioner to the UK from 1947 to 1952 & The Quaid-e-Azam wrote to him "I have been following you very closely and I am glad to say that you are doing very well"…….."in your onerous mission as our representative to Britain". Mr. Rahimtoola was appointed as the Pakistani Ambassador to France from 1952 to 1953. In 1953 Mr. Rahimtoola was recalled from Paris to become the Governor of Sindh which post he held till 1954, when he was sent as Governor of the Punjab.
4. At the end of 1955 Prime Minister Bogra asked him to join the Federal Cabinet as Minister of Commerce. Then in Prime Minister Chowdhry Mohammed Ali's Cabinet he was Federal Minister of both Commerce and Industries,. He was recalled by President Ayub to solve Karachi's problems in 1958. As was Chairman of Karachi Improvement Trust, Water Co-ordination Council and Karachi Development Authority, when both the Water and Housing problems were solved he left in 1960.
5. President Yahya asked him to head the Pakistan Red Cross in 1969, and he was asked to continue by Prime Minister Bhutto. He resigned in 1972 after completing his mission that was that the last Prisoner of War was returned to Pakistani soil. He was a member of the Govt. of Pakistan Committee for the Quaid-e-Azam Centenary Celebrations 1976.
6. Prime Minister Junejo awarded him the Pakistan Movement Gold Medal in 1982. Mr. Rahimtoola was a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Fellow of the Royal Common wealth Society. He was also received the Melvin Jones Award from the USA and the First Class order of the Sacred Treasure from the Emperor of Japan. He died on 2nd January 1991 at Karachi.
Coutlesy: Begum Zubaida Habib Rahimtoola (S.K)
QAZI MUREED AHMED (1913 -1989)
Qazi Mureed Ahmed was born in Village Mardwal of soon Valley (Skesar) Distt. Khushab in the Awan Tribe in 1913. After doing his intermediate, he studied Fiqah, Hadees and Quran from lshaat-e-Islam College, Lahore.
2. After Pakistan Resolution of 23rd March 1940 he joined Muslim League and remained associated with it till his death, inspite of numerous trials and greeds. Qazi Sahib and Khizar Hayat Tiwana belonged to one constituency but their ways and thoughts were apart. Qazi Sahib was Freedom fighter and Tiwana Sahib Unionist. Mr. Khizar confiscated all the household of and sealed the House of Qazi Mureed Ahmed. Apart from this made fabricated cases including murder case.
3. He remained convener of Muslim League from 1943 to 1951 and on the orders of Quaid-e-Azam established branches of Muslim League in Punjab. He also advocated two Nations Theory and Pakistan Movement in the province of NWFP and Sindh. For this crime of patriotism he was sent to jail for five times and even the news of creation of Pakistan was given to him in Shahpur Jail.
4. After creation of Pakistan, he was elected Member of Punjab Assembly and then of West Pakistan Assembly in 1951. He was appointed President of Sargodha District for Khatm-e-Nabuwat Movement. Qazi Sahib's in-house and outside speaches made such an effect that he was house arrested for 6 months in his Village. After union of West Pakistan Dr. Khan Sahib made Republican Party within no time and Muslim League Members sold their souls like toys in Bazar. Qazi Sahib was offered Ministry, Ten square of Land and Rs. Fifty thousand cash but instead of accepting this offer he alongwith six other members of the Assembly submitted an affidavit in the Assembly. Editorial of Kohistan daily "as bargaining of the soul" and Qudrat-ullah Shabab's "Shahab Name" are Witnesses of this incident. He was chosen to reorganize Muslim League in 1958 alongwith 11 others. In 1971 he contested Election of National Assembly on the ticket of P.N.A. remained member of Central Executive Committee under Pir Pagara's Presidentship. He was awarded Gold Medal in recognition of his services for creation of Pakistan. Also remained Vice President of Punjab Muslim League. After leading simple and prime life died on 4 October 1989.
Courtesy: M. Ahsan Akhter Malik, The Son in Law.

50th Anniversary (Golden Jubilee) of Japan's Assistance for Economic Development and Co-Operation for Eradication of Diseases
Date of Issue (November 08, 2004)

Pakistan enjoys cordial friendly relations with Japan. Japan's economic assistance has played a very important role in the development of Pakistan's economic and social infrastructure. The major projects, which have been funded by the Government of Japan, include the Indus Highway Project, a number of power projects in various provinces of Pakistan, Rural Roads Construction Project and the Children Hospital PIMS lslamabad Project. Presently the Kohat Tunnel Project and the Ghazi Barotha Dam Project are being completed with the help of the Japanese.
The Government of Japan is also working for Polio eradication and training of handicapped in Pakistan. Detailed description about Ghazi Barotha Hydropower Project, Kohat Tunnel construction project, Polio eradication and Training of handicapped is given below:-
Ghazi Barotba Hydropower Project
Ghazi Barotha Hydropower Project is a new hydropower plant with a capacity of 1,450 MW (290 mw x5), aiming to meet the power generation gap in the country and balance the generation source between hydro and thermal. This project consists of a barrage at 7 km downstream of the Tarbela Dam, which is diverting water from the Indus River into power channel of about 52 km distance leading to power house. The total project cost is about 260 billion Japanese yen.
Kohat Tunnel Project
Kohat Tunnel Construction project, now known as "Pak-Japan Friendship Tunnel" consists of constructing a new tunnel (length 1,885, width; 7.3m) as an alternative route to the 9.2 km mountainous Kohat Path. The new route has enabled the passage of large vehicles, alleviate traffic congestion, improve traffic safety, and reduce mileage and travel time. The tunnel has also increased the role of the Indus Highway (N-55) as a trunk road, thereby stimulating social and economic development in the backward area of North-west Frontier Province, and promoting a balanced economic development of Pakistan. Japan extended its ODA loan assistance through JBIC (Japan Bank for International Co-operation) for total 12.8 billion yen. The Tunnel was inaugurated and opened to public on June, 2003.
Polio is a crippling disease caused by poliovirus. The cripple status lasts for the lifetime. Victims of Poliovirus are children, especially under five-year-old poliovirus spread very easily in areas with poor hygiene.
In 1988 the World Health Assembly set a goal to eradicate polio worldwide. Since then national governments, WHO, UNICEF and other partners including Government of Japan have been working together to achieve the goal. The number of reported cases of polio in the world has been reduced from an estimated 350,000 in 1988 to 732 cases associated with wild poliovirus in 2003.
Pakistan started its fight against polio 10 years ago in 1994 and the Government of Japan became a partner to Pakistan's polio eradication initiative in 1996 and since then consistently supported procurement of oral polio vaccine, cold chain equipment, and monitoring and evaluation activities.

The Government of Japan has decided to extend a grant of one billion and eighty three million yen (approx. Rupees 575 million or US $ 10 million) to procure 93 million doses of oral polio vaccine to be administered to children under the age of five all over Pakistan for the year 2004. The Japanese support is essential to achieve the target of interrupting the transmission of polio by 2005.
In addition to past and present co-operation to procure vaccine and equipment required, Japan has been doing technical support for Polio eradication and EPI through dispatching long and short- term experts from Japan.
Under this programme the volunteer of JICNs are assisting students of AL-MAKTOOM SCHOOL for the visually impaired in lslamabad. The programme was started in 1995. Since then over one hundred Japanese young professionals from a wide range of expertise volunteered to work at the grass-root level. The volunteers are dispatched to both governmental and non-governmental institutions in lslamabad, Lahore, Faisalabad and smaller cities and towns.
JICA's new programme, senior Volunteer Programme, introduced in 2001 in Pakistan invite volunteers, aged between forty and sixty nine years old, with more experiences in highly specialized fields. Currently sixteen senior volunteers are working in three major cities.
The volunteers are working with the people of Pakistan for the brighter future of the country through transferring technical knowledge and skills to the local people they are working with.

Khawaja Farid, A Mystic and Spirtual Poet

Date of Issue (September 25, 2001)
Khawaja Ghulam Farid, the top most spiritual poet in Siraiki Language, was born in 1845 A.D. at Kot Mithan, in a family of Arab settlers who had come to this country along with the Arab forces.
Maulana Khuda Bux had two sons, Khawaja Farid-ud-Din and Khawaja Fakhar-ud-Din. It is said that when Khawaja Ghulam Farid was a child, Maulana Muhammad gave him the first lesson of the first alphabet "ALIF" and asked him to say "ALIF". He repeated the same again and again till every-one present there was enveloped by a trance. Some qawwali singers were invited and they too recited the same word on their musical instruments. The trance remained in sway for a considerable time.
Khawaja Farid's mother died when he was only four years of age. He was looked after by his eider brother. At the age of eight, he had committed to memory the whole of the holy Quran. Thereafter Nawab Sadiq Muhammad Khan took the child to his palace at Ahmad Pur Sharqia for imparting him religious knowledge by some renowned scholar. At the age of thirteen, Khawaja Farid became the disciple of Khawaja Fakhar-ud-Din, his elder brother. When he crossed 28 years of his age Khawaja Fakhar-ud-Din died. He left for Ruhi where the remained for about eighteen years. It was a typical wilderness but suitable for a recluse saint. It was very beneficial for connection with Kot Mithan or Chachar. About this wilderness of Ruhi, we often read in his lyrics. He performed Haj Baitullah in 1876.
Khawaja Farid was conversant with seven languages Viz, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Multani, Sindhi, Hindi and Sansakrat. He led a life of purity and was utterly devoted to the righteous path of the Holy Prophet of Islam. May his soul ever rest in peace.
The lyrics of Khawaja Farid speak of the sadness of his separation from God and Muhammad, the beloved of Allah. He never reckoned himself away from his goal. But at times he felt a great separation and so he cried, groaned and sang in his ecstacy of the love which united him to his creator but with a veil in between them. The body acts as a most obedient slave, the sould gives life to the body and the spirit infuses the mechanical power in man. All these faculties he utilised only for the sake of Allah to approach Him, the only Goal for the man to attain.
The spiritual yearing, purification and elevation depends on so many factors which have been explained by saints and spiritualists. The shortest way to the creator is Love and Khawaja used this Method of attaining sublimation. All the attributes of Allah, we know are the off- shoots of Love. Khawaja Farid expressed this love in his fine verses.
SERVICES RENDERED BY KHAWAJA FARID FOR SPREADING OF ISLAMKhawaja Ghulam Farid rendered numerous services for spreading Islam and left behind disciples in Lacs. His most notable disciples are noted below:-
1. Nawab Qaisar Khan Magassi of Balochistan and his subjects.2. Nawab Sadiq Khan 4th of Bahawalpur State and his subjects.
3. Mirza Ahmad Akhtar, the grand son of Bahadur Shah Zafar.

Khawaja Farid wrote the following books both in poetry and prose:-
1. Dewan-E-Farid in 1882. (Saraiki Poetry)
2. Dewan-e-Farid in 1884. (Urdu Poetry)
3. Manaqabe Mehboobia (in Persian prose)
4. Fawaid Faridia (in Persian prose)
Khawaja Farid died on 24th July, 1901 and was laid to rest in Kot Mithan.

Khyber Medical College, Peshawar, Pakistan

Date of Issue (December 30, 2004)
Khyber Medical College, Peshawar is one of the most reputed and prestigious institution of Pakistan. This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of laying the foundation stone of the college which was laid by Malik Ghulam Muhammad, the then Governor General of Pakistan on 2nd of May 1954. Sardar Abdul Rasheed, the then Chief Minister of NWFP and Colonel Munawar Khan Afridi, the then Director General Health chose the name, Khyber Medical College.
The inaugural address was delivered by Malik Ghulam Muhammad, the then Governor General of Pakistan and the welcome address was delivered by Colonel Munawar Khan Afridi, the then Director General Health. Dr. A.K.M. Abdul Waheed was selected to be the first principal of this great institution.
The local landlords donated the property for the college, which shows their love for education and, humanity. The first batch was planned in October 1954 to be consisting of 25 students but to great astonishment of the authorities; the people of NWFP showed their great interest in this subject and the first batch consisted of 50 students among which there were six girls too.
Khyber Medical College was the first medical college in the North West frontier Province and the sixth in Pakistan after King Edwards Medical College, Labore, Dow Medical College, Karachi, Fatima Jinnah Medical College, Lahore, Nishtar Medical College, Multan and Liaquat Medical College, Jamshoro and this marked the beginning of a new and a glorious era.
On 19th November 1960, Khyber Medical College got formal recognition internationally when a seven member British team of eminent medical dignitaries visited the college. Initially Khyber Medical College was under administrative control of the Peshawar university but later on it was taken over by the health departments 1975.
Khyber Medical College is a name that speaks of its own academic brilliance as the graduates it has produced have proved their abilities in their respective specialities around the world. In all the post graduation examinations in Pakistan or abroad, the passing percentage of the students of Khyber Medical College is excellent. Also the students of Khyber Medical College have shown their competence in the license examinations conducted for different countries.
Apart from the academic activities, Khyber Medical College has also been a harbor for young writers and poets and Literary Society has flourished in Khyber Medical College throughout the years. Efforts to bring out the first magazine by the name "Cenna" started in 1957 and in 1959 the dream of bringing out Cenna became a reality. Although three Literary Secretaries worked for it, one after another, namely Javed fqbal, Afzal Muhammad Khan and Muharnmad Sultan, but it was Muhammad Sultan in whose tenure, the first ever Cenna was published.
The Social Welfare Society, Khyber Medical College started its functioning during the year 1978 as three different societies namely Totts, Pinows and Escort. In 1984 the three societies were merged together forming Students welfare society. Later on the name was changed to Social Welfare Society. Naveed Alam was selected to be the first General Secretary of the society in 1984. Due to selfless services of the members of the society, it was declared the best society of all the medical colleges by the late President of Pakistan, General Zia-ul-Haque in 1985. It has also been declared the best youth wing of Pakistan Red Crescent Society NWFP for the last many years.
Another emerging society of the college is the Debating Society, which existed as a club for many years but in 1998, this club was transformed into a full fledge society. Muhammad lrfan was selected to be the first President of the society in 1998. The society with its limited resources has arranged many All Peshawar declamation contests and an All Pakistan Medical Colleges declamation contest in 2000, the first of its kind in NWFP. Moreover the members of the Debating Society have won many prizes in different competitions all-around Pakistan.
Several other clubs have also shown great promise in their activities throughout the years. The names of Sports Club and Hiking Club are noteworthy for their concrete efforts in keeping the students of Khyber Medical College physically fit, so that they can perform well with their minds.
Khyber Medical College served as a parent institution and led to the creation of Ayub Medical College, Abottabad, Postgraduate medical Institute, Peshawar, Saidu Medical College, Swat and Gomal Medical College, D.I. Khan. It has produced thousands of graduates and is the prime source of producing specialists in different disciplines of Medicine and is fulfilling the requirement of specialized services in the province. In addition, dozens of our graduates are working abroad on very high positions and have earned good name for the country and the institutions.
As an institution, Khyber Medical College is also up to the mark. All of its basic and clinical disciplines are fully equipped with modern equipment and highly trained professional staff. Recently it has also started Postgraduate training in basic sciences and the first batch of the students has successfully completed their courses.
On October 18, 1989, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan announced the up gradation of Khyber Medical College to the status of the University and successive governments have also supported the idea but no concrete effort was made. It is the present government that has started practical work on it and hopefully lnsha Allah we will see it as a university in the near future.
As a part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations, the college had arranged academic and cultural events from 20th to 26th of December 2004. Convocation ceremony for the last year's graduates, Scientific sessions with quality research papers and cultural events like Mushaira etc. had been planned for this occasion.
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad

Date of Issue (December 06, 2004)

                                                                                                            The University, with the name of People's Open University was established in June 1974 under an Act of the Parliament assented to on 22nd May 1974. It was the first institution of distance education in Asia.
The University was renamed as Allama lqbal Open University (AIOU) in 1977 on the occasion of the centenary celebrations of the birth of the great Philosopher and national poet Allama Muhammad lqbal.
The University was established as a distance education institution with the purpose to:-
- Provide educational facilities to the people who cannot leave their homes and places of job;

- Provide facilities to the masses for their educational uplift;

- Provide facilities for the training of teachers; and
- Provide education to all without any discrimination.

The Philosophical foundation of the Allama lqbal Open University lies in its "OPENNESS". This University, as a unique institution in the country, reaches the doorsteps of those who wish to broaden their horizons of Knowledge or upgrade their occupational skills while in conventional and formal system the students go to the University for Studies. Moreover this is the only university of Pakistan whose Jurisdiction touches the geographical boundaries of Pakistan.

Distance Education in Pakistan particularly suited to the female population as it provides them an opportunity to study at home. Similarly, people living in the tribal and far-flung areas where the formal education system has not reached as yet, also get an opportunity to be educated. This system is flexible in terms of age, and even time.
The University develops specialized textbooks and reading material to enable the students to study on the basis of self-learning in general education programme. To help them study at home, however, the university provides supports of radio and television programmes. University's Institute of Educational Technology produces high quality educational audio and video-cassettes, which enable the students to study at home more effectively.
Recent innovations in the field of Information Technology are making the system of distance Education even more effective. As more and more students get access to the Personal Computers and learn to use the internet, teaching through Distance Education is becoming more effective. Study Centers have been set up throughout the country to enable the students to acquire applied Training in technical and professional fields. Similarly, in the field of Teacher Education, Teaching Practice is provided in selected schools. Practical training for science students is arranged in well-equipped and well reputed laboratories of Pakistan like these of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC).
The outreach system of the University in the form of its Regional Campuses/Centers is the backbone of its methodology.
The President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the Chancellor of Allama lqbal Open University. The Federal Minister for Education is the pro-Chancellor and the vice-Chancellor of the University is its Principal Executive and Academic officer.
The University has produced hundreds of credit and non- credit courses for various levels of learners and are sent to the students. The provision of the specially compiled instructional material at postgraduate level is recent addition. The learning packages are not only being used by AIOU students but also those of formal system. The University has till recently, been concentrating on programmes upto degree levels it is now increasing its programmes in the field of science and technology and at postgraduate level.
The Allama lqbal Open University, being a distance education institution, relies heavily on all varieties of available media to reach its students in an effective manner, which include Correspondence materials, Radio and television, Satellite transmission, Non-broadcast media, Tutorial instruction, Face to be teaching, and Group training workshops.
Up to 2003 the university has offered 1130 courses opened 112 regional centers, register 36000 tutors and 1900 tutorial centers and enrollers 245,018 students.
Declaration of the year 2004 as the "Year of Child Right"

Date of Issue (November 20, 2004)

Creating a better future for mankind is the utmost desire of every individual, institution, and Government. The most convenient way inter-alia, to achieve his goal is proper upbringing of the child because the child is father of man. If the child is brought up care- fully and properly the coming generation will be an ideal generation, capable to live safely, happily & peacefully. The child is like the seed, if the seed is not cared the chances and hope for a better fruit is a dream.
The children are so dear to God that our prophet (PBUH) said "God will allow paradise to many a parents on account of their children. Every religion has emphasized kindness towards children. Jesus Christ has said "only those persons will go to paradise with me who are innocent like children". According to a Buddhist Mystic there is no difference between a child and a sage. The sage is not higher and the child is not lower. The only difference is, the child knows not what he is - and the sage knows it.
The children deserve great care, love and respect because they are innocent, like a gift from the God, like a guest who have nestled into the house of their parents who have chosen them as their nest.
But our treatment with the children is such that some are put to hard labor by their less educated and poor parents and some are crushed by their educated and well off parents in their desire to make them a successful man, a rich person, a Doctor/Engineer without caring for his ideas, his happiness, his age, his play & leisure and his freedom in order to fulifill their, unfulfilled egos through them.
Since the child is helpless, depend upon parents, cannot escape, can not protect himself and absolutely vulnerable, therefore, he bears all these hard ships like a slave. Now as psychological insight has deepened in to the human mind it has become clear that child is the most exploited person and he is mostly being exploited by his own parents unconsciously behind a facade of love. The main cause of neurosis, depression, violence and social and political unrest, according to physiological investigation is denial of these fundamental rights of children.
Realizing this situation the Government of Poland submitted a convention on rights of children to United Nations in 1978 and in 1989 it was adopted by the General Assembly.
This convention is a United Nations agreement that spells out the range of rights that children everywhere are entitled to. Though it contains 54 articles four broad categories of these rights however, is given below:
  • Survival rights include such things as adequate living standards and access to medical service.
  • Development rights include education, access to Information, play and leisure, cultural activities and the right to freedom of thoughts, conscience and religion.
  • Whereas protection embraces all of the above, but also covers the forms of exploitation and cruelty, arbitrary separation from family, and abuses in the criminal justice system.
  • Participation rights include the freedom to express opinions and to have a say in matters affecting one's own life, as well as the right to play an active role in society.
Pakistan ratified the UN convention on the rights of children, in 1990 and under obligation to implement its provision to ensure availability of above rights to the children in Pakistan. In this regard President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf launched the national campaign "Say yes to Child Rights Movements in Pakistan" by signing a pledge on 20th November-2003 during celebration of Universal Children's Day in lslamabad. In pursuance of this, National Commission for Child Welfare and development (NCCWD) under the aegis of Ministry of Social Welafre and Special Education moved a summary for the Federal Cabinet recommending observance of the year 2004 as the "Year of Child Rights" to create massive awareness among the masses including children.
Accordingly, the Federal Cabinet in its meeting held on I1th February, 2004 declared the year 2004 as the "Year of Child Welfare and rights" 

Fruits of Pakistan Depicting "Mango"

Date of Issue (June 18, 2002)
Mango is the fruit par excellence of Subcontinent. Mango (Mangifera indica) belongs to the family Anacardiaceae. It has had a prominent position among the commercial fruits of Pakistan. Mango varieties have been known for attractive colours, savouring smell, delightful taste and high nutritive value. Mango fruits contain 10-20% sugar, an important source of vitamin A and C and contain vitamin B. Small amount of protein, Iron, Calcium and Phosphorus are also present. Ripe fruits are mainly eaten fresh, but are also utilized in preparing squashes, jams and other preserves. Young and unripe fruits are used in pickles.
Pakistan is an important mango growing country in the world. The soil and climatic conditions of Pakistan are highly suitable for mango cultivation. According to FAO production year book of 2001, Pakistan stands FIFTH among mango growing countries of the World.
Mango enjoys second position after citrus in Pakistan. It is grown in the province of Punjab over an area of 48413 hectares out of 94121 hectares in the country (MINFAL 99- 2000). Most of the remaining acreage is planted in Sindh. At present, (1999-2000) the total annual production of fruits in Pakistan is 58,46,342 tons. Even if all of this production reaches to the consumers, per head per day availability of fruit is meagre 114 grams. Fresh and processed fruits and vegetables export make up less than 1 percent of Pakistan's total export. That is a matter of concern when the need for diversification of export is badly felt.
The mango from Pakistan is well known for its taste and quality abroad. More than 53,000 tons of mango is exported to neighbouring and European countries, i.e. Afghanistan, Bahrain, Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, France, Malayasia and Singapore etc. fetching foreign exchange. Langra, Dusehri, Samar Behisht, Chaunsa, Anwar Ratol are important varieties grown in Punjab. Sindhri, Bagan Pali, Suwarneka, Neelum and Gulab Khas are leading ones from Sindh.
Pakistan exported fruit worth $ 78.71 millions in 2000- 2001, despite the continuous neglect of fruit tree management. This amount of foreign exchange can be doubled with proper care and management of orchards. To improve the production, there are two ways, either by doubling the area under the fruit crops which is impossible, or by increasing the production per hectare. Per hectare production can only be increased if we know the proper management of trees. Unfortunately the mango crop has not been paid deserved attention.

Medicinal Plants of Pakistan
Depicting "Peppermint"

Date of Issue (November 12, 2001)
Pakistan is endowed with the wealth of medicinal plants. These are the natural botanical source of medicines being manufactured by indigenous pharmaceutical houses in Pakistan. These are also the basic source of modern pharmaceutical market, although today it has become an entire medical world of synthetics, with elevated prices a common man cannot afford. It is therefore the most appropriate time to consider development and organization of our medicinal plants industry to become independent in the provision of common indigenous natural drugs that are being used to treat diseases in most of our rural areas. In our country there are grown wild or cultivated medicinal plants species which possess great potentialities not only in the light of their use from centuries in the sub- content in Greco-Arab (Unani or Eastern) system of medicine but also in the light of active principles or biodynamic compounds being isolated from them using ultra modern screeing techniques available in our country. Peppermint is an example of such useful and effective medicinal plant.
Peppermint - Mentha x piperita L. (Labiatae/Lamiaceae)
Flowers: Reddish violet
Peppermint was in use in China and Japan at least 2000 years ago. The na' na' used by Ibn Sina appears to have been Peppermint. He describes it as an efficacious kind of mint and a good diuretic. Both the Arabs and Persians appears to have been well acquainted with the value of the mint in neuralgic affections. According to Dymock the Peppermint was first observed by Dr. Eales and was communicated to Ray, who noticed it in synopsis in 1696.
In Europe Peppermint become know about the later end of the last century. In olden days it was brought to Europe from China and Japan. When first brought to Europe it was used as a remedy for headache and neuralgia. Later on, it was used as an antiseptic and sedative in affections of nose, pharynx and larynx. Attaiba used it as aromatic, carminative stimulant, stomachic and emmenagogue.

Medicinal Plants of Pakistan

Date of Issue (February 15, 2002)

Zufa Hyssop was known to the early Greeks, Romans and Hebrews as an aromatic herb. It was described by AL-Biruni under the name of Zufa Yabis, the leaves of the herb resembles Sa'tar but are considered stronger in action. According to AI-Biruni, it is brought from Rome and is for that reason designated as sa'tar Rumi (the Ruman Synonyms are ussufus, safunis and Husuffun). I bn Masawaih Says that Zufa bears a different and distinct colour. Its leaves are like those of maiden hair (fern) and it is employed in chest complaints. Sharbat Zufa (Made from dried Hyssopus officinalis) is a reputed anti-asthmatic, anti-phlegmatic and anti-catarrhal preparation of Unani medicine. Hyssop was at one time official in some pharma-copoe-ias of Europe and its medicinal properties are described as akin to Nepeta ciliaris, Benth. It blooms in summer season.
(Labiatae / Lamiaceae)
Flowers: Bright-blue
Parts used: Dried or Fresh leaves, flowering tops, flowers and branches.
Pharmacological Action:
Stimulant, carminative, pectoral, deobstruent, antiphlegmatic, expectorant, diaphoretic, resolvent, emmenagogue. Hyssop being resolvent and expectorant of phlegm from pectoral region, is useful against dry cough, bronchial asthma, phlegmatic cough, acute pneumonia and catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract. An infusion or tea prepared from the plant is effective in nervous, pulmonary, digestive, uterine and urinary troubles. Sap of the leaves made into syrup with sugar and honey is used as vermifuge for round worms. The crushed herb is applied as a resolvent and vulnerary. Steeped in hot water, it is used for fomentation of wounds, sprains and strains, and muscular rheumatism. The infusion or syrup is also regarded useful in hysteria and colic, sore-throat, amenorrhoea, and induration of liver and spleen.

Nishan-E-Haider Series

Date of Issue (September 6, 2001)
Born in Kunjah, Gujrat District, on April 28,1943, Major Shabbir Sharif was commissioned in the Army on April 19, 1964 and posted to the Frontier Force Regiment. On December 3, 1971, he was commanding a company of 6 FF Regiment near Sulemanki headworks when he was assigned the task of capturing the high bund overlooking the Gurmukh Khera and Beriwala villages in the Sulemanki sector. These points were defended by more than a company of the Assam Regiment which was supported by a squadron of tanks.
To attain his objective, Major Sharif had to go through an enemy minefield and swim across a 30-feet wide and 10 feet deep defensive canal, which he accomplished under heavy artillery and automatic fire. Leading his company, he launched a frontal attack and succeeded in driving the enemy out of his fortified trenches by dusk on December 3. In this well-nigh superhuman action 43 enemy soldiers were killed, 28 were taken prisoner and four enemy tanks were destroyed.
For the next three days and nights, the enemy launched repeated counter-attacks. These were repulsed by Major Sharif who held his vantage position on the high bund, holding two enemy battalions at bay. During one of the enemy attacks, Major Sharif jumped out of his trench on the night between December 5 and 6, killed the enemy Company Commander of 4 Jat Regiment and recovered important documents from his person. During another attack in the afternoon of December 6, Major Sharif took over an anti tank gun from his gunner, and while engaging enemy armour, he was killed in action by a direct hit from an enemy tank.
For the supreme sacrifice that he made for the honour of his country Major Shabbir Sharif was awarded NISHAN-E-HAIDER the highest Military award of Pakistan.
Born in Dingha, Gujrat District, on April 4,1938, Major Muhammad Akram was commissioned in the Pakistan Army on October 13, 1963 and posted to the Frontier Force Regiment. On July 7, 1968, he was posted to the then East Pakistan where he commanded a company of 4 FF Regiment when war broke out in 1971, he was in command of the company in the forward area in Hilli district which was the Local point of concentrated Indian pressure. Subjected to incessant air, artillery and armour attacks, Major Akram's company withstood every assault and did not concede even an inch of Pakistan territory, although on one occasion the enemy mounted a major attack by a full brigade supported by a squadron of tanks to break through our defence and makes way for his 20th Mountain Division. But despite enemy superiority both in number and fire power, Major Akram and his men repulsed every attack for a whole fortnight, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. The heroic resistance put up by him in the face of a virtual firestorm demonstrated his exemplary courage and unwavering determination to fight to the better end. Major Akram died in action during the epic battle leaving behind the legend of his supreme sacrifice in the execution of a valiant mission.
For the supreme sacrifice that he made for the honour of his country Major Muhammad Akram was awarded NISHAN-E-HAIDER the highest Military award of Pakistan.

Nishan-e-Haider Series

Date of Issue (September 06, 2002)
Born in Pind Malikan (now Mahfuzabad, Rawalpindi District) on October 25, 1944, Muhammad Mahfuz joined the Army on October 25, 1962. When war broke out in 1971, Lance Naik Mahfuz was serving in "A" Company of 15 Punjab Regiment deployed on the Wagah-Attari Sector. On the night of December 17-18, his company was assigned the task of occupying Phul Kanjri village located in the section. Platoon No. 3, to which Lance Naik Mahfuz belonged, was the forward unit in the assault and had to face torrential volleys of enemy fire from concrete Pill boxes. When the Company was about 70 yards from the Indian position, it was pinned down by unceasing frontal and cross fire from automatic weapons of the enemy. With the break of dawn, the enemy artillery also opened up. Fighting like a man possessed, Mahfuz, whose machine-gun was destroyed by an enemy shell, took over a light machine-gun from a gunner who had already fallen and advanced towards an enemy bunker from which automatic fire had inflicted heavy casualties on his Company. Wounded in the legs by shell splinters, he continued to fire, dragging himself forward. At the bunker he got up with almost superhuman effort and pounced on the enemy and was hit at point-blank range. His weapon dropped from his hand, but despite being unarmed and mortally wounded, he caught hold of an Indian Soldier and began to strangle him when another Indian bayoneted him to death.
After the ceasefire, the Commander of the enemy admitted to his Pakistani counter-part in a meeting that the like of the courage and tenacity displayed by Lance Naik Mahfuz had seldom been witnessed before.
Born in Dhok Pir Bakhsh (now Dhok Muhammad Hussain Janjua) on June 18, 1949, Sawar Muhammad Hussain joined the Army on September 3, 1966 and was trained as a driver. When war broke out in 1971, he was in 20 Lancers. Though only a driver, he took active part in every battle his unit was engaged in. He would take over a machine-gun and fire on the enemy, unmindful of any danger no matter how grave. On December 5, 1971, he went from trench to trench delivering ammunition to our men in the Zafarwal-Shakargarh Area, braving intense shelling and direct fire from enemy tanks and infantry. On the following day, he went out with four fighting patrols and undertook most hazardous missions. On December 10, he spotted the enemy digging in near village Harar Khurd along our Minefield and informed the second- in-command of his unit. He moved, on his own initiative, from one anti-tank gun to another directing the crew to fire accurately at enemy tanks, and was thus responsible for the destruction of sixteen enemy tanks. At 1600 hours on December 10, while directing fire from one of our recoilless rifles, he was hit on the chest by a burst of machine-gun fire from an enemy tank and thus died in action.
Sawar Muhammad Hussain had the distinction of being the first Jawan to be awarded Nishan-e-Haider.

50th Anniversary of Pakistan-Japan
Relations - 2002

Date of Issue (April 28, 2002)
Pakistan enjoys cordial friendly relations with Japan. Both countries have always demonstrated mutual trust and propitious respect for each other's concerns and interests, which has helped evolve this close friendship of the last 50 years into a dependable partnership in the new century.
2. Despite having been through various phases and having witnessed some vicissitudes, Pakistan-Japan relations have kept growing to the mutual benefit of the two countries. Until the late 1950s, the relationship was essentially that of two developing countries. Pakistan, being the main source of raw cotton for Japan's textile industry, was one of its major trading partners. Japanese spindles on the other hand helped build our textile industry. In the 1960s, Japan, however, re-emerged as a modern industrialized nation and started extending Yen loan assistance to Pakistan. The Japanese assistance was doubled to Pakistan following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Japan, since then, has been Pakistan's major source of economic assistance, a leading trading partner and an important source of foreign investment.
3. Japan's economic assistance has played a very important role in the development of Pakistan's economic and social infrastructure. The major projects, which have been funded by the Government of Japan, include the Indus Highway Project, a number of power projects in various provinces of Pakistan, Rural Roads Construction Project and the Children Hospital PIMS lslamabad Project. Presently the Kohat Tunnel Project and the Ghazi Brotha Dam Project are being completed with the help of the Japanese assistance.
4. There has been a regular exchange of high level visits between the two countries. Besides, both the countries have extended each other frequent support in international fora on a reciprocal basis and a growing mutual understanding has marked the bilateral consultations. Pakistan and Japan have therefore come to share perceptions on a number of key regional and global issues.
5. Pakistan and Japan had established formal diplomatic relations on 28th April 1952. The 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, being jointly celebrated by the two countries this year, is a significant landmark in the history of this friendship.
6. A number of high profile, ceremonial, commercial and cultural events have been organized to mark this historic occasion. The visit of the President of Pakistan to Japan during the first half of the year would be the cornerstone of these commemorative events. Other notable activities would include Export Promotion Bureau's participation in two trade fairs and a Single Country Exhibition in Japan, organization of a Fashion and Design Show and an Investment seminar in Tokyo in collaboration with BOI, the 'Gandhara Art from Pakistan' Exhibition with the assistance of NHK of Japan, and issuance of commemorative stamps by the Post Offices of the two countries. Besides, exchange of visits between sports teams, artists and youth delegations of the two countries, and a "Tourism in Pakistan" Seminar along-with a cultural show, in Tokyo will also be organized during the year. The Japanese Embassy is lslamabad is similarly planning to host a number of commemorative events in Pakistan.

10th Anniversary of Pak-Kyrgyz Diplomatic Relations

Date of Issue (May 27, 2002)
The deep and abiding ties have flourished between the two countries since the creation of the Kyrgyz Republic. The people of Pakistan have a special attachment for the people of Kyrgyzstan. It is a matter of deep satisfaction for both Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan that over the last 10 years the friendly relations between our two countries have been blossoming.
Pakistan extended diplomatic recognition to the Kyrgyz Republic on December 20, 1991. A Protocol for the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan was signed on May 10, 1992. Pakistan's diplomatic resident Mission at Ambassadorial level was established at Bishkek in August 1995.
There have been high level visits from both sides in last ten years. In December 2000, the Chief Executive of Pakistan extended an invitation to Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev to pay a State visit to Pakistan. The invitation was accepted by the President of Kyrgyzstan.
Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan co-operate with each other in various fields for the promotion of trade and economic relations between the two countries. A few Pakistan nationals have established their business concerns in the fields of hoteling, pharmacy and tourism in Kyrgyz Republic.
During the visit of Minister of State for Economic Affairs in December 1991, an export credit of US$ 10 million was offered to Kyrgyzstan for the establishment of pharmaceutical factory at Bishkek. An agreement was signed in May 1993. On the request of Kyrgyzstan, keeping in view of friendly and brotherly relations with Kyrgyzstan, the Government of Pakistan rescheduled the loan repayment and prolonged its payment for the next six years. An agreement on rescheduling was signed accordingly.
One of the achievements in the economic co-operation between the two countries is the opening of the branch of the National Bank of Pakistan at Bishkek. The main aim of the bank is to boost the trade and economic relations between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan. The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan took a decision to issue the license for the branch of the National Bank of Pakistan to open the accounts for local individuals from January 1, 2002. Before, the National Bank of Pakistan was authorized to open the accounts for the companies and organizations only. Within one year after the opening, this branch has become the profit-earning unit. After some time, the bank would be able to extend small credit facility to the local population. The National Bank of Pakistan has also offered a regular training programme for the Kyrgyz Bankers.
Pakistan is extending all possible help for Kyrgyz nationals under the Technical Assistance programme in the field of education, diplomacy, banking, English language and postal services, etc.
More than 200 Pakistani students are enrolled at various educational institutions in Kyrgyzstan on self-finance basis. Some of the medical students have already completed their studies and returned to Pakistan.
The leadership of the Kyrgyz Republic has demonstrated keen interest to have more bilateral cultural cooperation and people to people contact by establishing sister city relationship with the cities of Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan. Establishment of sister city relationships between Quetta- Bishkek and Osh-Sialkot are under consideration by the two sides.
Both the countries have expressed their desire to conclude a Cultural Agreement with the aim of developing relations and mutual understanding between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan. A draft Cultural Agreement is under consideration.
A draft Agreement between APP and "Kabar" news agency of Kyrgyzstan is also under consideration.
The Government of Pakistan has agreed to present a printing press to be used for production of literawre solely for Islamic purposes to the Muftiat of Kyrgyzstan.
Pakistan and Kyrgyz brothers and sisters are like one family and Pakistani people staying there feel at home. Our ancient roots are identical. We are united with the bonds of history. There are many proofs to it in the form of the similarity of languages, cultures, traditions and customs etc.
Being the members of OIC and ECO, Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan support each other on various global and regional issues as well as during the elections to the key posts in the international organizations.

30th Anniversary of PAK-UAE
Diplomatic Relations

Date of Issue (December 02, 2001)
Pakistan was the first country to accord formal recognition to UAE on its achieving independence. Bilateral relations and mutually beneficial cooperation have progressed steadily ever since.
Pakistan and the UAE enjoy extremely close and traternal relations, founded on deep-rooted cultural affinities, shared faith and traditions, as also geographic proximity and identity of interests. These relations date back to the UAE's formation in 1971, and have since evolved into wide-ranging co-operation in various fields. UAE has been a major donor of economic assistance to Pakistan. UAE has been appreciative of Pakistan's contribution to the evolution of key institutions in the Emirates such as armed forces, police, health and education, and has reciprocated in the same friendly manner to the full satisfaction of Pakistan.
The two countries have common perceptions on all international and regional issues of mutual concern. Frequent exchanges of high level visits and regular bilateral consultations between the two countries are reflective of the fact that Pakistan and UAE have laid strong foundations of mutually beneficial relations, friendship and peaceful cooperation over the years, UAE has emerged as one of Pakistan's major economic and trading partners. A large number of Pakistani expatriates, numbering nearly 400,000 are gainfully employed in UAE. The Pakistani expatriates in UAE have contributed in a significant manner to promotion of bilateral understanding and to the economy of Pakistan through their home remittances.
The President of UAE, His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan has been the cementing force in the fraternal binding of the two countries. Sheikh Zayed's achievements are a living testimony to His Highness' enduring wisdom, sagacity and statesmanship.

Golden Jubilee of Pakistan Ordnance Factories
(POF) Wah

Date of Issue (December 28, 2001)
1. The Pakistan Ordnance Factories, the premier defence industry and the lifeline of over half million strong armed forces, is completing its 50 years of existence on 28th December 2001.
2. During their colonial rule in India, the British raised 16 Ordnance Factories. At the time of creation of Pakistan in 1947, we were unlucky that all the sixteen factories fell to Indian share. Newly created Pakistan with fragile state apparatus and fragmented armed forces had absolutely no arms and ammunition manufacturing facility to meet the security challenges to its sovereignty. The first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Khan Liaqat Ali Khan immediately realized this imbalance and issued directive within four months of creation of Pakistan to establish an ordnance factory to manufacture 303 rifle and its ammunition in Rawalpindi. Subsequently, the foundation stone of four workshops was laid by the second Prime Minister of Pakistan Khawaja Nazim ud din in the small town of Wah in December 1951. This was the first step towards the establishment of mother defence industry in Pakistan.
Present status.
3. Today by the grace of God Almighty, we have fourteen big factories at Wah which are taking care of almost 100% requirements of our armed forces. This modern defence industrial complex, which is the oldest & largest in Pakistan defence production industrial system, later helped many other sister defence production setups to flourish. Resultantly today Pakistan has a reasonably good defence production potential in which Pakistan Ordnance Factories occupies the central position.
Organization and Production capabilities.
4. The factories are under the control of a Board consisting of a Chairman, a Financial Advisor and two career technical members. The factories are headed by Managing Directors who are quite independent within the frame work of policy guide lines determined by the POF Board. POF was created with a vision to provide arms & ammunition during peace & war to the armed forces of Pakistan and has fulfilled its commitment by continuously honouring the targets assigned to it. The initial products of POF were of British origin and standards. Soon American products and standards were introduced, followed by German and Chinese. Now POF is working on NATO and other internationally recognized standards. The amalgam of technology from various sources has resulted in the blossoming of a high standard of workmanship and quality control. After 50 years of continuous growth and development POF is a sprawling industrial complex of the following 14 Factories and 7 subsidiaries:-
  • Weapons Factory
  • Bombs & Grenades Factory
  • Tungsten Carbide Factory
  • Machine Gun Factory
  • Filling Factory
  • Propellants Factory
  • Heavy Artillery Ammo Factory
  • Small Arms Ammo Factory
  • Brass Mill
  • Tungsten Alloy Factory
  • Tank Amrno Factory
  • Explosives Factory
  • Medium Artillery Ammo Factory
  • Clothing Factory
  • Wah industries Ltd.
  • Wah Nobel (Pvt) Ltd.
  • Wah Nobel Chemicals Ltd.
  • Wah Nobel Detonators Ltd.
  • Wah Nobel Acetate Ltd.
  • Attock Chemicals (Pvt) Ltd.
  • Hi-Tech Plastic (Pvt) Ltd.
5. The two main subsidiaries namely Wah Industries Ltd and Wah Nobel Ltd. were established to utilise spare capacities of Factories for commercial applications but later on Hi-Tech Plastics Ltd, Wah Nobel Chemical Ltd, Wah Nobel Detonators Ltd and Attock Chemicals Ltd were set up to meet the requirement of civil market. These subsidiaries are earning significant profits annually thus adding to the national wealth. POF produce approximately 70 major products for supply of Army, Navy and Air Force. The main products include automatic rifles, machine guns, sub machine guns, anti aircraft guns, complete range of mortar and artillery ammunitions, aircraft and anti aircraft ammunitions, tank and anti-tank arnmunitions, bombs, grenades, anti-tank mines, pyrotechnics and rockets etc. Apart from raw materials, all other inputs needed for the manufacture of arms and ammunition such as brass, gilding metal and clad steel, steel products, carbide and tungsten alloy products, fuzes, rocket and artillery propellants, all types of explosives are produced in POF.
6. The past 50 years have seen a breathtaking expansion and modernization. POF which started with the manufacture of 303 rifles and its ammunition with an old plant of world war II vintage, has since moved into the era of state of the art technology, computer aided design and computer aided manufacture. POF were confined mostly to the traditional products in the first 15 to 20 years but after passing through different phases of expansion, diversification and consolidation, POF has come of age by taking a quantum jump to the modern state of art manufacturing technology During the last ten years or so POF has emerged as an armament manufacturer of international repute. POF is alive to the the emerging technologies in armament production and interacts with the world renowned manufacturers and R&d establishments at different forums to keep itself abreast of the latest developments.
International Quality Standards.
7. Quality control has always been the hall mark of POF products. This is in built in the nature of the manufacturing processes. POF produces arms & ammo of German US, British and Chinese origin strictly to International standards of acceptance. In 1999, M/s Moody International of UK awarded the ISO 9001 certificate to all the 14 major industries and 6 department of POF. Work on ISO 14000 certification is in progress and POF is aiming to obtain ISO 14000 certification by May 2002.
8. Achievement of ISO 9001 certification for quality, POF's participation in various International defence exhibitions and its effective marketing strategy has earned it an international recognition. POF has been at one time or the other exporting arms and ammunition to 30 countries around the globe. During the last three years, POF recorded high exports of arms & ammo and was awarded the FPCCI trophy for exports. Military delegations and heads of States of various countries have been visiting POF and taking with them an ever-lasting impression of the wide range of products and their excellent quality.
Self-reliance through development of vending industries.
9. In view of the tight foreign exchange situation and sanctions imposed by developed countries, POF management has undertaken indigenization programmes aimed at achieving self-sufficiency in raw materials, semi finished goods and other products. In the process, POF has saved millions in foreign exchange. Instead of expanding its own facilities, POF management as a matter of policy, encourages the development of local vending industry in order to utilize their assets for manufacturing parts of arms and ammunition. The enhanced interaction between the private and the public sector has not only created a better environment for indigenization but also has resulted in utilization of POF surplus capacity of plant & machinery for civil production.
10. The present century is an era of information technology. POF after modernization of its manufacturing facilities is currently working on a programme for computerization of its systems, procedures, data and processes. It is intended to computerize and link all the 14 factories. Accordingly a Mega Computerization Project has been started to achieve the objective of On-line Integrated Computerized Systems in POF for enhancing efficiency and quality in its functions and activities.

Hakim Muhammad Hasan Qarshi

Date of Issue (December 20, 2002)
Born 27 December 1896 in Gujrat, Shifa-ul-Mulk Hakim Muhammad Hasan Qarshi was a many faceted personality. He was a physician, visionary, humanist, a spiritual and religious person, author, an educationist, philanthropist, who remained dedicated throughout his life to the service to Tibb, Pakistan and Islam. He also actively participated as a front line soldier with his Kashimiri brethern in 1948 in their freedom struggle.
It was through his untiring personal efforts that on 25 January 1946, Tibb Registration Committee came into being and was recognized by the then government in Punjab legislative Assembly. It was due to the dedication and exemplary hard work of shifa-ul-Mulk Hakim Muhammad Hasan Oarshi that Pakistan Government approved Unani, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic Practitioners Act, 1965. As a result, Tibbi Board came into being and Tibb was officially accepted as a system of treatment. It was his aim to lay the foundations for the clinical research in the profession of Tibb, so that all the contents in a medicine were fully utilized in every respect for the treatment of ailing humanity. As a physician he treated over two million patients.
Shifa-ul-Mulk Hakim Muhammad Hasan Qarshi took on his professional, humanitarian and national responsibilities in a very devoted manner. He always made very active, positive exemplary and memorable contribution with long lasting impressions particularly to the professional benefit of all those associated with Tibb. These contributions have remained symbolic and have served as an alma mater for the future development and modernization of Tibb and Ayurvedic medicine.
Shifa-ul-Mulk Hakim Muhammad Hasan Qarshi was a great admirer of our national poet Allama Muhammad lqbal and remained fully devoted to him as his personal physician from 1934 to 1938. For the professional excellence and also due to the successful professional struggle for Tabeebs and profession of Tibb, for securing a permanent place with the government authorities, title of Shifa-ul-Mulk was conferred upon him in 1946 by the then Chief Minister of Punjab. After the creation of Pakistan, Shifa-ul-Mulk presided over a large number of meetings, conferences, workshops and seminars for nourishing, upbringing and further developing "Tibb as a System of Treatment" both within and outside Pakistan.
Shifa-ul-Mulk Hakim Muhammad Hasan Qarshi founded his Matab at Fleming Road Lahore in 1920. In 1958 Maulana Syed Suleman Nadvi inaugurated Matab Qarshi. Later on in 1968, Oarshi Dawakhana was formally inaugurated by the respected Mufti-e-Azam Palestine Syed Amin-ul-Hussaini.
Shifa-ul-Mulk Hakim Muhammad Hasan Qarshi was appointed as Professor of Tibb at Tibbia College Delhi in 1917 on the recommendations of Maseeh-ul-Mulk Hakim Ajmal Khan. Due to his dedication and devotion to the profession of Tibb, he was appointed as the Principal of Tibbia College Bombay in 1918 to 1919. In 1920 Shifa-ul-Mulk took over the charge as principal Tibbia College Lahore, where he made significant contributions to the profession of Tibb for the next 26 years. As a sincere and pious flag bearer of Tibb, Shifa-ul-Mulk bravely fought for Tibb's recognition against both British forces and Indian masses. In the face of tough opposition Shifa-ul-Mulk ably fought with the opposing lobby and obtained a permanent place for Tibb at official platform along with establishing Tibb as an alternative medicine at government level. This historical achievement was a unique honour for Shifa-ul-Mulk's dedication to Tibb and to his professionalism in this field. During the period from 1920 to 1946, Shifa-ul-Mulk remained an active member of Tibb Research Committee, Hyderabad and the Tibb Research Committee Punjab.
In accordance with the desire of Shifa-ul-Mulk Hakim Muhammad Hasan Qarshi, for the welfare of humanity and particularly for the needy and poor, Begum Shifa-ul-Mulk laid the foundation stone of (Qarshi Foundation in 1994. This charitable unit was established from within the family resources and donations of Qarshi family without any outside assistance. Qarshi Foundation has since then made positive contributions for the needy and poor, besides the improvement of environment and protecting it from pollution.
Shifa-ul-Muik wrote, edited and authored over 1500 articles, books and publications both in Urdu and English. These writings covered a wide range of subjects including Islam, medicine, history philosophy of science and spiritualism. He also used to regularly contribute professional columns and articles to leading newspapers of that time. During his long & meritorious career held various important offices, Shifa-ul-Mulk Hakeem Muhammad Hasan Qarshi remained very actively and closely associated with Tahreek- e-Khalafat and worked as Vice President Khalafat Committee Lahore. He dedicated his efforts as a loyal and devoted team member with Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, Maulana Shaukat Ali Khan and Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar.
  • Qarshi Foundation is working on "dispensaries" and "mother and child health care centres".
  • Currently there are seventeen "dispensaries" and one "mother and child health care centre" working under Qarshi Foundation.
  • According to its vision 2005, Qarshi Foundation plans to raise two hundred dispensaries and five mother and child health care centres primarily for the needy and poor.
  • Financial assistance is also given to considerable number of hospitals both at Lahore and Haripur.
Education development is one of the main objectives of Qarshi Foundation. Presently, Foundation is running a high school. It has thirteen hundred students and a staff of thirty-five teachers. There is no monthly fee. Only a nominal admission fee is charged once from each student. All kinds of expenses are borne by Qarshi Foundation. According to its Vision 2005, Qarshi Foundation has planned to open five high schools.
A "Vocational Technical Training Centre" is also working to help people in self sufficiency and self employment. Boys and girls are both trained in this institution. A "Qarshi Training Institute" is working for upgrading the capability of Tabeebs and it gives them the training in the use of modern diagnostic equipment. Scholarships are given to the needy and poor students. Scholarships are also given to regular brilliant students including school, graduate, post graduate and university levels.
Qarshi Foundation has published the following books for the promotion of medical and religious knowledge:

1. Kitab-us-Sehat

2. Kitab-ul-Haj

3. Hazrat Bilal (RA)
4. Mushee-ul-Atibba
5. Qaumi Sehat
6. Kitab-ul-Kulliyat.
Qarshi Foundation gives financial assistance to widows, needy and poor. It helps poor families by providing them with the dowry for the marriage of their girls. Qarshi Foundation, besides helping poor families, also extends financial assistance to various hospitals and religious madrissas.

Golden Jubilee Nishtar Medical College,
Multan (1951-2001)

Date of Issue (December 20, 2001)
History affords few examples of an institution which comes into being as an embodiment of a peoples' dream and then exists as a living monument to Service and Discipline.
Certainly, Nishtar Medical College, Multan is one such institution. Its very name holds a special element of grandeur as it was Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar, a celebrated companion of the Quaid-e-Azam and the then Governor of the Punjab, whose dynamism and humane leadership made the peoples' dream come true in 1951.
An unique role was played by Dr. Muhammad Jamal Bhutta (Sitara-e-imtiaz) who was not only the founding principal but also Project Director.
Now when this August institution is celebrating its Golden Jubilee it can proudly claim to have given 7000 graduates to Pakistan and the world community at large. These, in turn, are serving humanity and bringing laurels to their Alma mater.
The attached 1100 bed Nishtar Hospital is a tertiary health care center which is providing all kinds of medical services to more than 20 million people of Southern Punjab.
Interestingly, Nishtar Medical College, Multan is also a cultural land mark as regards architecture. The credit goes to Mr. Somjee, a renowned architect, for giving it a uniquely elegant Islamic touch with its familiar domes and tower.
Today it can be said that Nishtar Medical College has justified the faith which its initiators reposed in it and at present its destiny is in hands which certainly have the ability and zeal to keep the torch burning.

2001 as year of the
Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah

Date of Issue (December 25, 2001)
On December 25, 1876 a child was born in a prominent mercantile family of Karachi who was destined to change the course of history in South Asia and to carve out a homeland for the Muslims of India where they could peruse their destiny according to their faith and ideology.
From his very childhood, young Jinnah developed the habit of stern independence and self-reliance. In 1892, he was called to the Bar at the very early age of 16. He stayed for four years in England and on his return, started his practice in Bombay. The early period was spent in hard and constant labour. However, he soon came to be looked upon not only as a brilliant lawyer, but also as a man of great integrity and character. He was soon elected to the Imperial legislative Council.
Mr. Jinnah began by accommodating the Congress point of view, and was called 'Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity' when he brought about rapprochement between the Congress and the Muslim league in 1916. He soon felt, however, that the Congress was merely a camouflage for consolidating Hindu India at the expense of Muslim, and it was at the London meetings of the Round Table Conference during 1930-32 that he received the shock of his life. "In the face of danger" he said, "the Hindu sentiment, the Hindu mind, the Hindu attitude led me to the conclusion that there was no hope of unity".
Mr. Jinnah returned from England in 1934, and set out to galvanizing the Muslim League into a most dynamic organization. "We are a Nation" he asserted, "with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of value and proportion, legal laws and moral code, custom and calendar, history and tradition, aptitude and ambitions; in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of international law we are a Nation."
In subsequent years, Mr. Jinnah, popularly known by the title "Quaid-e-Azam" (the Great Leader), came to symbolize the Muslim aspirations for a separate independent homeland, and in 1940 the Muslim League, under his inspiring leadership, demanded that India should be partitioned and the Muslim majority areas should constitute the sovereign, independent State of Pakistan. It was his ardent advocacy and unbending character, his unshakable determination and his power of persuasion that brought about the successful fruition of the Muslim struggle in the shape of Pakistan.
Quaid-e-Azam performed the opening ceremony of the establishment of State Bank of Pakistan on 1st July, 1948. The Quaid-e-Azam was accompanied by Mohtarma Fatirna Jinnah. On arrival, he was greeted by State Bank's first Governor, Mr. Zahid Husain. After having inspected a Guard of Honour of a detachment of Pakistan Army, Quaid- e-Azam took the salute.
The function, among others, was attended by the members of Central Board of Directors of State Bank of Pakistan Sir Maratab Ali Shah, Mr. Wabiduz-Zaman, Mr. Hatim A. Alavi, Mr. Jogesh Das and Mr. Kasim Hussain Kassam Dada. The freedom fighters, Pirzada Abdul Sattar, Sir Gbulam Hussain Hedayatullah, Khawaja Shababuddin. Mr. I.I. Chundrigar, Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar, Sir Zafarullah Khan and Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan were also present to witness the creation of the Bank.
Inaugurating the Bank, Quaid-e-Azam began his historic, and what turned out to be his last public address by saying "the opening of the State Bank symbolizes the sovereignty of our State in the financial sphere'. Quaid-e-Azam has specially come to Karachi by interrupting his stay in Ziarat for the occasion of national importance. With his characteristic foresight he could see as early as that, as the put it in the concluding portion of his inaugural speech, that the Bank "will develop into one of our greatest national institutions".
The three other stamps epitomize Quaid-e-Azarn Muhammad Ali Jinnah's visit to 5 Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment (Artillery) on 21st February, 1948 and 2/15 Punjab on 15- 4-1948. The 5 Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment (Artillery) was given the unique honour of being the first Armed Forces unit to be visited by Quaid-e-Azam.
Regimental parade was held in Quaid's honour. When Quaid-e-Azam reached the saluting dais the Regiment gave a general salute. While the Regiment was still at 'present arm' Quaid was requested by Lieut. (later Admiral) Ahsan, his ADC, to move to review the parade. The parade commander just could not decide to order the Regiment to 'order arm' as Quaid was then moving. Thus Quaid reviewed the Regiment at 'present arm'. A tradition was thus born on Quaid's first visit to the Unit. Since then the 5 Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment has been claiming the right to be inspected at 'present arm' as Quaid had inspected it at 'present arm' on his first visit. The claim of 5 Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment was examined and re-examined many a time when finally it was approved by the Chief of Army Staff General Mirza Aslam Baig and Maj. Gen. Agha Masood Hasan, GOC Army Air Defence Command, inspected the 5 AD Regiment guard at 'present arm' at Quetta for the first time, when Lieut Colonel (now Major General) Tahir Mahmud Qazi was the Commanding Officer.
Since then the Regiment has a unique honour of being reviewed at 'present arm' and using the motto "Fakhr-e-Quaid". The stamp places the visit of Quaid to 5 Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment in Philatelic history.
The Quaid was seventy-one when Pakistan was born. He was spared by Almighty only for one year to set the ship of the new State on its keel. In spite of his immense prestige and popularity he conducted himself strictly as a constitutional Head of the state and never deviated from democratic conventions and constitutional Propriety.
He died on September 11, 1948 deeply mourned by a grateful Nation but as one of the great immortals of history.

Quaid Year

Date of Issue (August 14, 2001)
On December 25, 1876 a child was born in a prominent mercantile family of Karachi who was destined to change the course of history in South Asia and to carve out a homeland for the Muslims of India where they could peruse their destiny according to their faith and ideology.
According to Stanley Wolpert in his book "Jinnah of Pakistan (Oxford)" Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation state, Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three Hailed as "Great Leader" (Quaid-e-Azam) of Pakistan and its first Governor General, Jinnah virtually conjured that country into statehood by the force of his indomitable will. His place of primacy in Pakistan's history looms like "Lofty minaret over the achievements of all his contemporaries in the Muslim League."
From his very childhood, young Jinnah developed the habit of stern independence and self-reliance. In 1892, he was called to the Bar at the very early age of 16. He stayed for four years in England and on his return, started his practice in Bombay. The early period was spent in hard and constant labour. However, he soon came to be looked upon not only as a brilliant lawyer, but also as a man of great integrity and character. He was soon elected to the Imperial Legislative Council where he moved the famous Muslim Waqf Bill - the first instance of a Bill passing into legislation on the motion of a private member.
A lover of freedom and a great patriot, Mr. Jinnah began by accommodating the Congress point of view, and was called 'Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity' when he brought about rapproachment between the Congress and the Muslim League in 1916. He soon felt, however, that the Congress was merely a camouflage for consolidating Hindu India at the expense of Muslim, and it was at the London meetings of the Round Table Conference during 1930-32 that he received the shock of his life. "In the face of danger" he said, "the Hindu sentiment, the Hindu mind, the Hindu attitude led me to the conclusion that there was no hope of unity'.
Mr. Jinnah returned from England in 1934, and set out to galvanizing the Muslim League into a most dynamic organization. 'We are a Nation" he asserted, "with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of value and proportion, legal laws and moral code, custom and calendar, history and tradition, aptitude and ambitions,' in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of international law we are a Nation."
In subsequent years, Mr. Jinnah, popularly known by the title "Quaid-e-Azam" (the Great Leader), came to symbolize the Muslim aspirations for a separate independent homeland, and in 1940 the Muslim League, under his inspiring leadership, demanded that India should be partitioned and the Muslim majority areas should constitute the sovereign, independent State of Pakistan. It was his ardent advocacy and unbending character, his unshakable determination and his power of persuasion that brought about the successful fruition of the Muslim struggle in the shape of Pakistan.
The Quaid was seventy-one when Pakistan was born. He was spared by Almighty only for one year to set the ship of the new State on its keel. Even during the brief period of his Governor General Ship he strove hard to lay down correct precedents for the growth of a democratic tradition in Pakistan. In spite of his immense prestige and popularity he conducted himself strictly as a constitutional Head of the state and never deviated from democratic conventions and constitutional Propriety. Indeed, he was always anxious to uphold peoples sovereignty against any constitutional ambiguity.
He died on September 11, 1948 deeply mourned by a grateful Nation but as one of the great immortals of history.

Mohammad Aly Rangoonwala

Date of Issue (August 31, 2002)
Mohammad Aly Rangoonwala a philanthropist was born on May 20th 1924 in Rangoon. His father had trading and industrial activities in Rangoon, Calcutta, Madras, Colombo, Singapore, Penang, Sourbaya and Batavia. At the outbreak of World War II all investments were lost and the family moved to Bombay. The young Mohammad Aly Rangoonwala quickly re-established the family business and became well known amongst the Bombay business community.
In 1946, his involvement with the Pakistan movement gathered momentum and he worked closely with Mr. ABDULLAH H. HAROON to encourage Muslims to establish business in Pakistan. He was in contact with Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah who laid the foundation of the first edible oil refinery in Pakistan at Karachi, which M. A. Rangoonwala established with his associates. M. A. Rangoonwala was given the honour of providing the 'kafan' for the burial of Mr. M. A. Jinnah and also participated in performing the last rites.
M.A. Rangoonwala was a pioneer in the edible oil industry in Pakistan and prior to nationalization, had the largest group of edible oil refineries in Asia. He pioneered bulking terminals and cosmetics manufacturing in Pakistan. His knowledge of edible oils was amply put to test after nationalization when he participated with the Malaysian Government in the edible oil industry in Malaysia. He also established business organizations and charitable trusts in Europe and the Far East.
His contribution in the establishment of trade and industry in Pakistan is well known and was responsible for the Pakistan Trade Bodies Ordinance 1960. He was the Founder President of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Founder and President of the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Chairman, National Bank of Pakistan, President of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris. Founder and Chairman of the World Memon Foundation, Member of the Stanford Research Institute, International Trustee of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Trust and Founder and Life President of the Dhoraji Association. He was a founder member of the Karachi Stock Exchange, amongst the first Directors of the State Bank of Pakistan, Trustee, Karachi Port Trust, Trustee, Hamdard Foundation and other public and private organizations in Pakistan and abroad.
M. A. Rangoonwala had a passion for philanthropy, social work and education for the masses. In 1963, he established the V.M. Public School in Karachi in memory of his late father V.M. Gany and in 1967, the Zuleikhabai V.M. Gany Rangoonwala Community Centre and Trust as a public charitable institute in memory of his late mother. In all his philanthropic organizations, his motto has always been "Service to Humanity". The objectives of his charitable organizations are to help in the education and upliftment of indigent and deserving persons regardless of race and religion.
The concept of the Community Centre, which he pioneered at the Rangoonwala Community Centre in Karachi became a model concept for Community Centres not only in Pakistan but internationally. Today, the World Memon Foundation Community Centre in Husainabad, Karachi has in attendance over 16,000 ladies per quarter who come for vocational training and adult education.
In the 1960s his public and private activities earned him the Sitara-e-Khidmat from the Government of Pakistan; Das Grosse Verdienst Kreutz from the German Government; the Order of the Silver Palm from the Boys Scout Organization, the International Businessman Award from the Stanford Research Institute and many others.
He worked to the very last and when he knew that his mortal frame would no longer be able to support his mind, he laid down and passed away peacefully at his home in Karachi on Friday 12th June 1998. May his soul rest in peace. Ameen!
Courtesy: Mr. Tariq M. Rangoonwala, the son of Mr. Mohammad Aly Rangoonwala.

9th SAF games to be held in October,
2001 in Pakistan sports complex, Islamabad

Date of Issue (April 09, 2001)
The South Asian Association for Regional Co- operation (SAARC) was formed in 1983 for the strengthening and development of regional ties of which Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives and Bhutan are the Members.
One of the achievements of this regional arrangement has been the establishment of SAF Games, which provides a platform for the athletes and sports persons of the member countries to participate and represent their countries in the competition. Pakistan first hosted those games in 1989 and it has again been nominated to host the 9th SAF Games in October 2001, for which Pakistan Sports Complex, Islamabad has been chosen as the venue. The SAF Games represent the biggest sporting event to be held in the country and will be watched by over 1.5 billion people. The aim of the 9th SAF Games Organizing Committee is to use this opportunity to renovate the sporting and equipment facilities at the Pakistan Sports Complex, Islamabad and to use the games as a launching pad for resource mobilization and capacity building which would provide the basis for developing a sports facility conducive for development of sports in Pakistan and enabling its sports persons to achieve success in the next Asian Games and 2004 Olympics.
It is expected that 3500 athletes and delegates will attend the Sporting Event in October 2001 from the seven member countries and the Opening & Closing ceremonies will have an attendance of approximately 50,000 people. In addition it is expected that the Opening & Closing ceremonies will be aired live to the seven member Countries and to Europe & USA. The following games are part of the competition in the 9th SAF Games:
SwimmingWeight LiftingKarate
Foot ballTable TennisKabaddi
BoxingRifle ShootingSquash

Samandar Khan Samandar

Date of Issue (January 17, 2002)
Janas Khan better known as Samandar Khan Sarnandar was born in village Badrashee, Tehsil Nowshera in January 1 901 - He turned toward Poetry at the tender age of 6 years when he started reciting his own "Tapas". Initially, he was introduced to traditional Masjid School, later on he was admitted in government primary school at Nowshera Cantt. He received formal education upto class IV.
He started to earn his livelihood as labourer during his teens, he worked as orderly Peon, Cook, Butler, Kochwan and Magician. During all this time he did not leave his first love of poetry and kept on writing quality prose and poetry.
In the year 1929 he became a member of "Tehreek-I-Islam-I-Afaghanan" later on he worked as 'Khudaiee Khidmatgar:, he also worked in 'Khaksar Movement' and finally joined Muslim League.
He joined Pashto Service of Radio, Peshawar Station in 1943 as scriptwriter and authored innumerable talk shows, he also wrote more than 56 Radio Dramas.
His published and unpublished Poetry work consists of about 1,13,000 verses, more than half of which was published in 10 volumes with the title "Da Tawheed Trang". He also authored several thousand pages of Prose. Special mention of his literary genius is due to his Pashto translation of "Asrar-i-Khudee" and "Ramooz-i-Bekhudee" by Allama lqbal. His contribution in the field on "Naat" is substantial.
He got married in 1935 and had children. He died on 17th January 1990.
Two students of Peshawar University got their degrees of M.Phil (1995) and Phd (1997) by publishing research paper on his work.

Sindh Festival 2001

Date of Issue (September 22, 2001)
"Sindh Festival 2001" being held at Expo Centre Karachi from 22nd-27th September 2001 is a project of Government of Sindh. Sindh Festival 2001 is sponsored by Culture, Sports, Tourism and Social Welfare Department and backed by various Government and Semi governmental institutions of Sindh.
Sindh Festival 2001 is not just an exhibition but an exhibition with definite objectives such as:-
1. To project the rich cultural heritage of Sindh highlighting its music, art and fashion,
2. To promote the local industry of Sindh,
3. To promote tourism in Sindh,
4. To promote education,
5. To show that Sindh is a peace loving and progressive province.
The President & Chief Executive of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharaf will be inaugurating the festival on 22nd September 2001. A street parade is being organized to mark the opening ceremony in which thousands of school children, members of scouts Association, etc will march down from the University Road up to the Expo Center and will hand over the keys of the festival to the Chief Guest. A special theme song "Ho Jamalo" will be played at the moment as a tribute to the rich music of the province.
The festival will be full of extravagant events and activities all aimed to relive the true essence and spirit of Sindh. The exhibition will be divided into four distinct areas each highlighting a unique aspect of the province.
"Traditional Sindh Hall"This area will depict and house a typical Sindhi Village with real life characters, animals of the region, fruits, flowers, crops and people. Here visitors will be able to see the artisens at work.
"The Modern Sindh Hall"Major institutions and companies that are driving the economy, trade & commerce of Sindh will be represented in the Modern Sindh Hall. Visitors will be able to witness miniature versions of Sindh's monuments such as Quaid-e-Azam's Mazar and Habib Bank Plaza etc. The participants will be provided useful information about these institutions.
"The Sindh Art Hall"

Sindh's topmost painters, sculptors, jewelry designers, handicraft artists and photographers will be featured here. The public will be free to purchase certain works on display.
"The Sindh Live Hall"

For six days the live Hall will showcase some of Sindh's best musical talent. The performers will be from three musical disciplines i.e. 'Folk music', 'Classical music', and 'Modern music'. District level talent will be showcased every day followed by a headlining artist who will close the performance and hand out awards to the upcoming artists. 
Sindh Malakhara and various acrobatic activities will form part of the Sindh Festival 2001.
Sindh Festival 2001 will attract around half a million visitors including members of the Diplomatic Community, Foreign dignitaries. Trade Commissioners, a number of foreign business men and tourists and of course the Pakistan public.
In short, this six day event will be the largest ever exhibition organized in the provinces of Sindh and would be a kaleidoscope of Sindh's cultural, social and economic life.

Brief History of Submarine Construction in Pakistan

Date of Issue (December 12, 2003)
Pakistan Navy Submarine Force was established in April 1964 with the acquisition of first Guppy class conventional submarine from US Navy. Subsequently 03 newly constructed Daphne class conventional submarine were acquired from DCN France in the year 1968-70. Another Daphne class submarines was acquired from DCN France.
Immediately after the acquisition of first submarine, foundation of submarine maintenance infrastructure was laid at PN Dockyard Karachi. Over the years this infrastructure was expanded with state of the art machinery, tools, jigs & fixtures and skill of the work force was also enhanced. The decision for major overhauling of submarines in PN Dockyard proved to be a turning point in the history of submarine force. Till today PN Dockyard has on its credit 30 major overhauls of the submarines.
This rich experience of submarine maintenance coupled with special repairs of pressure hulls of PNSM HANGOR and PNS/M SHUSHUK in 1991-92 and naval construction experience of midget submarines, PNS LARKANA, and auxiliary crafts raised the confidence level of the decision makers to embed the elements of transfer of technology in the acquisition of future submarines. As a result in September, 1994 a contract was signed with DCNI of France to build 03 submarines.
The first submarine was to be completely built in France. Pakistan Navy engineers and workmen were to be trained and qualified in the construction processes. DCN was to assist PN Dockyard to upgrade the infrastructure for construction of submarine. To optimize the available infrastructure some works were shared with KS&EW as well. The first submarine joined PN Fleet in December 1999 as PNS/M KHALID.

The transfer of technology level for next two submarines was to be raised gradually in second and third submarine. This was also necessary to immediately put to use the new acquired construction skills. Based on this principle, three pressure hull sections of submarine No. 2 (PNS/M SAAD) were built in France and delivered in 1998. This enabled the engineers and workmen trained in France to quickly organize and put to use their skills. Even before the delivery of sections of submarine No. 2 the work on major structures was started in December 1997. The three sections were transferred to Section Building Hall using Dual Walking Beams and were pre-outfitted for one year. These sections were lowered in Graving Dock in December 1999 and junctioned together. The outfitting phase in Graving Dock included 14000 equipment and foundations, 6000 pipes, 40 kilometres of cables and 38000 connections. Approximately 30000 quality checks were performed during the construction of submarine No. 2. The second submarine was launched on 24 August 2002 and started its harbour and sea trials. This submarine has completed over 1200 harbour and sea trials and on successful completion this has been commissioned as PNS/M SAAD on 12 December 2003.
The maximum transfer of Technology was envisaged in submarine No. 3. The cylindrical part of the pressure hull was to be built from raw plates. All major structures and appendages were to be built in Pakistan. The work of pressure hull construction also started in 1997, was shared between PN Dockyard and KS&EW. PN Dockyard provided the material after cutting to size and shape on NC cutting machine to KS&EW. This kit of material was rolled/formed and welded to make 12 subsections. These subsections were taken to Section Building Hall in PN Dockyard to make 03 large sections. On completion of pressure hull these three sections were pre-outfitted with decks, bulkheads and large structures. Based on similar construction methodology these sections along with Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) system MESMA, have been lowered into Graving dock on 19 August 2003 and outfiting has started.
The submarine construction at PN Dockyard Department is now fully qualified as per ISO-2000 and its product has been proven and validated. This will meet the need of Pakistan Navy for decades to come.

Popular Aquarium Varieties Of Tropical Fishes

Date of Issue (October 09, 2004)
Yellow Dwarf Cichlid
Apistogramma borellii
SYN: Apistogrammareitzigi, A. ritense, A. aequipinnis, Heterogrammas borellii
PD: A laterally compressed cichlid that has a stockier, less elongated body than A. agassizi. The caudal fin is fan-shaped within the male, the dorsal and anal fins meet at a point. The head and the area just behind the gill cover are golden- yellow. The belly and the very top of the back may also be golden-yellow in color. The middle area of the body is pale blue as are the dorsal, pelvic, and front parts of the anal fins. The dorsal and pelvic fins are gold-tipped. The caudal fin and most of the anal fin is golden-yellow. Often a red area develops on the caudal penuncle. When a fish is excited, several transverse marking develop on the sides of the fish. A short, black stripe extend through the eye and to the snout.
SIZE: Males to 2.8" (7 cm), female to 2" (5 cm)
SS: None
HAB: Found in shallow swampy regions along rivers. South America; the Rio Paraguay and the Pantanal (matto Grosso). TANK: A tank measuring 24": (61 cm) with a volume of 20 gallons (75 L) will do. Follow the recommendations under A. agassizi.
WATER: pH 5-7 (6.5) 1-10 dH (4), 77-81 F (25-27 C).
SB: A peaceful, although territorial fish that can be combined with other Apistogramma species, catfish, and small characins of the upper swimming levels. Keep one male with several females. This species will not harm plants.
SC: Corydoras, tetras, pencilfish, hatchetfish, loricarids, Apistogramma.
FOOD: live; crustaceans, insects, insect larvae; flakes; pellets; tablets; finely chopped meat.
SEX: Males are more colorful, larger, and have elongated anal and dorsal fins.
B: Follow suggestions for A. agassizi. Fewer eggs (40-70) are laid than A. agassizi. The fry are carefully paraded around the tank. In cases where the eggs fail to hatch, the female is said to collect a shoal of Daphnia to protect as if they were her own brood.
BP: 8. A. borellii is a difficult fish to breed.
R: This species is sensitive to medications, disease, and poorly maintained water. Make frequent partial water changes. Recently this fish has begun being bred in Singapore for export.
DC: 7. A delicate species that is only recommended for those aquarists wanting a challenge.
Striped Gourami
Colisa fasciata
SYN: Colisa bojeus, C. ponticeriane, C. vulgairs, Polyacanthus fasciatus, Trichogaster fasciatus, Trichopodus bojeus, T colisa, T cotra
PD: C. fasciata has an elongated, oval-shaped, laterally compressed body. The caudal fin is fan-shaped and the ventral fins are long and slender-almost thread-like. The back is olive to bright orange, while the belly is dull turquoise-orange. The flanks are orange, marked with several slender, transverse, turquoise stripes. The ventral fins are orange to red, while the anal fin is bluish with a red edging. The caudal fin is orange, and the dorsal fin is both turquoise and orange. The iris of the eye may be orange. Females are less colorful, with a white-silver belly region.
SIZE: To 4" (10 cm)
SS: This species closely resembles C. labiosa, and is somewhat similar to the stocky-bodied C. lalia.
HAB: India; Bengal; Myanmar (Burma); possibly Thailand
TANK: A tank measuring 24" (61 cm) with a capacity of 10-20 gallons (38-75 L) is sufficient. Use a dark substrate and place plants along the edges of the tank. Leave an open swimming area. like most Gouramis, C. fasciata prefers shallow tanks.
WATER: Ph 6-7.5 (7.0), 4-15 dH (8), 70-82 F (21-28 C)
SB: A species suitable for a community tank except at spawning times when fish become territorial. This fish may be timid during acclimation.
SC: Other Colisa species, Corydoras, barbs, loaches, Trichogaster, Angelfish, loricarids.
FOOD: Flakes; pellets; chopped vegetables; live; Tubifex, insect larvae, Brine Shrimp.
SEX: Males have a darker body color and have more pointed dorsal fins.
B: Use a separate breeding tank for the pair having a temperature from 79-84 F (26-29 C), a pH from 6.3-6.7, and a water hardness from 2-6 dH. The tank should be shallow and not have any water current. The male constructs a bubble nest, that can measure up to 5": (13 cm) in diameter. Spawning behavior is similar to that of other Labyrinth fish, with the male embracing the female, which is followed by intense shaking.
The eggs, numbering from 500-1000, float to the surface and are corralled by the male in the bubble nest. The female should be removed following the spawning as the male aggressively guards the nest. Remove the male after the eggs hatch about 24 hours later. The fry resemble small hairs near the surface of the water. Begin feeding with roftiers and infusoria. After a week or two, the young can be fed with powdered dry foods and Brine Shrimp nauplii.
BP: 6. Breeding requires a separate tank, but is not especially difficult.
R: This species can be crossed with C. labiosa.
DC: 2. This hardy species is recommended for the beginning aquariast.
Tiger Barb
SYN: Barbus tetrazon
PD: The Tiger Barb is high-backed fish with no barbels. Its back is brown to orange and the belly is white to silver. The flanks are silvery orange with a white iridescence. The body is marked with four, transverse bands; the first running through the eye, and the last running along the base of the caudal fin. The caudal fin is light orange but transparent. The dorsal fin is mostly black with a red fringe the edge. The other fins are transparent with an orange tint. The tip of the snout may be reddish.
SIZE: To 3": (7.5 cm)
SS: Banded Barb (P. tetrazon partipentazona)
HAB: Still and slow moving rivers. Southeast Asia; Borneo, Indonesia, and Sumatra.
TANK: A tank measuring 20" (51 cm) with a capacity of 10 gallons (38 L) is adequate for small fish under 1.5" (4 cm) in length. Larger fish should be kept in-a 24": (61 cm) tank with a volume of 20 gallons (75 L). The tank should be well- planted with hardy plants. Use a sandy or fine gravel substrate for burrowing.
WATER: pH 6.5-7 (6.7), 3-10 dH (5); 68-77 F (20-25 C)
SB: Not recommended for a 'typical' community tank because these fish are usually a nuisance toward tank mates. They are a shoaling fish. Don't combine with fish that have long or flowing fins (Angelfish or Siamese fighting fish) because Tiger Barbs will nibble at them. A large tank helps reduce this aggressiveness.
SC: Danios, Gouramis, Loaches, Doradids, Loricarids, Epalzeorhynchus.
FOOD: Flakes, vegetable foods; live; insect larvae, insects, Brine Shrimp, Tubifex worms.
SEX: The male is redder and smaller. It is paler during spawning season.
B: Use bunches of fine-leafed plants and use a substrate of marbles. The parents should be fed on white worms during the spawning. The female produces between 500 and 1000 eggs in slightly acidic (6.5) water, which hatch in 24-30 hours. The parents should be removed after eggs have been laid. Feed adults whiteworms during spawning so they don't eat eggs as they are iaid.
BP. 6 Breeding is fairly easy as long as the eggs are saved from the parents.
R: Several cultivated varieties exist, such as the Albino Tiger Barb, the Blushing Tiger Barb, and the Green Tiger Barb. Very susceptible to the parasite, 'lch'.
DC: 4. A sensitive, but colorful aquarium fish.
Neon Tetra
SYN: Hyphessobrycon innesi
PD: This fish has a slender body and is slightly laterally compressed. The back is silver to olive brown while the belly is silver. A green to blue iridescent stripe extends from the eye near the tail. Below this, beginning in the middle of the body, is a bright red band that runs to the base of the tail.
SIZE: 1.6" (4 cm)
SS: Cardinal Tetra (P. axelrodi), False Neon Tetra (P. simulans)
HAB: South America; Rio Putumayo, Eastern Peru: Most are now captive bred in Hong Kong.
TANK: 20" (50 cm) or 1 0 gallons (38 L). The lighting should be dimmed by a cover of floating plants. The tank should be well-planted and have a dark gravel substrate.
WATER: Ph 5-8 (6.8); once acclimated 1-25 dH (8); 68-77 F (20-25 C)
SB: A peaceful fish ideal for a community tank. Do not keep the Neon Tetra with substantially larger fish such as Angels, for the neon may get eaten. Keep this fish in groups of five or more.
SC: Tetras, Corydoras, Apistogramma, Discus, gouramis, Hatchetfish, livebearers, Danios, Rasboras.
FOOD: Flakes; live; insect larvae, Brine Shrimp, Tubifex, Daphnia.
SEX: Males are slimmer and their neon blue stripe is straight. Females have a fuller stomach and their blue neon stripe bent.
B: Use a small breeding tank with a pH of 5-6, a water temperature of 75-77 F (24-25 C), and a water hardness of 1-5 dH. The tank should have subdued lighting and be well-planted with bushy plants. The female lays up to 130 eggs. Remove the parents after spawning. leave the eggs in the dark tank to keep down the growth of fungus. The fry hatch after 24 hours. The young are free swimming after five days, after which time they can be fed crushed flakes and paramecia.
BP: 7. The Neon Tetra is a moderately difficult fish to breed.
R: Susceptible to incurable neon disease. Among the most popular of tropical freshwater aquarium fish. Neon tetras are sensitive during acclimation, during this period neons are most likely to expire. After the initial week or two, the fish become adjusted and are fairly hardy.
DC: 3 The neon Tetra is a hardy, community fish. Avoid fluctuating water conditions.
Black Widow
SYN: Moenkhausia terntezi, Tetragonopterus terntzi
PD: This fish is somewhat oval-shape. Young are more attractive than adults. The main body color is dark gray to black while the fins are black. Older fishes' colors fade and their fins and body color become smoky gray. Two black bands extend vertically; one just behind the gill cover and the other in its midsection.
SIZE: To 2.5' (6.4 cm)
SS: None
HAB: South America; in shaded, calm areas with plants thickets in small brooks in rainforest tributaries, of the Rio Negro, Rio Paraguay, and Rio Parana.
TANK: 20" (50 cm) or 10 gallons (38 L). The tank should be well-planted and arranged in dark colors. Use a cover of floating plants to diffuse the lighting. leave an open area for free-swimming.
WATER: pH 5.8-8.2 (6.8), 4-28 dH (8), 72-82 F (22-28 C)
SB: A peaceful, schooling fish that is an excellent community fish. Occasionally large, adult males can become aggressive towards smaller fish, but this is not usually a problem in a well-planted tank. Keep in a school of at least five individuals.
SC: Tetras, Corydoras, Apistogramma, Discus, Angelfish, livebearers, Gouramis, Rasboras, loricarids. FOOD: live; insect larvae, crustaceans, aquatic insects; flake.
SEX: Males are smaller and slimmer. Females have rounded dorsal fin and a rounded body cavity when seen against the light.
B: This fish is easiest to breed in a breeding tank with marbles as a substrate or a mesh netting for the eggs to fall out of reach of the cannibalistic parents. Use warm water (84-86 F) to initiate spawning. After courting procedure of the male swimming around females with fins spread, many tiny transparent eggs that fall to the bottom. Parents must be removed or eggs will be eaten. The eggs hatch in 24-28 hours and the fry are free-swimming after 3 to 5 days after. Start feeding with small live and crushed flake foods.
BP: 6. Breeding the Black Tetra is not difficult.
R: There are variants of this fish who have longer, more elaborate fins. These are slightly harder to care for because these fins are often nipped at. A gold variety is also a product of selective breeding. This fish matures in about a year.
DC: 2. A hardy fish ideal for a beginner's community tank.

Courtesy.. Livestock & Fisheries Deptt. Govt. of Sindh Karachi
10th Anniversary of
Independence of Turkmenistan

Date of Issue (October 27, 2001)
Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize Turkmenistan as an independent country in December 1991. Pakistan established formal diplomatic relations with Turkmenistan on 10th May 1992. The two countries (Pakistan and Turkmenistan) enjoy close and cordial relations which are rooted in common history, culture and traditions.
Exchange of high-level visits during the last 10 years give credence to the fact that Pakistan and Turkmenistan have laid foundation of mutually beneficial relations, friendship and understanding. The hallmark of the friendship was demonstrated during the official visit of the Chief Executive of Pakistan to Ashgabat in May - 2000, and again during his brief stop-over in November 2000. In the short span of 10 years, there have been six visits of Head of State/Head of Government from Pakistan to Turkmenistan. President of Turkmenistan Saparmurate Niyazov had visited Pakistan thrice in August 1994, March 1995 and March 1997.
The two countries have signed 21 Agreements and Memoranda of understanding in the fields of oil and gas, transport, energy, trade, science and culture. The issuance of commemorative stamps by Pakistan will be an important milestone in the gamut of bilateral relations.
The Government of Turkmenistan is celebrating the 10th Anniversary of its independence on 27th October 2001. The commemorative stamp is bearing the national flag and portrait of President of Turkmenistan Saparmurat Niyazov, who is also widely known as Turkmenbashi.
United Nations year of Dialogue
among civilizations in the year -2001

Date of Issue (October 09, 2001)
Reaffirming the purposes and principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, which, inter alia, call for collective effort to strengthen friendly relations among nations, remove threats to peace and foster international cooperation in resolving international issues of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian character and in promoting and encouraging universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all,
Recognizing the diverse civilizational achievements of mankind, crystallizing cultural pluralism and creative human diversity,
Aware that positive and mutually beneficial interaction among civilizations has continued throughout human history despite impediments arising from intolerance, disputes and wars,
Emphasizing the importance of tolerance in international relations and the significant role of dialogue as a means to reach understanding, remove threats to peace and strengthen interaction and exchange among civilizations,
Noting the designation of 1995 as the United Nations Year for Tolerance, and recognizing that tolerance and respect for diversity facilitate universal promotion and protection of human rights and constitute sound foundations for civil society, social harmony and peace,
Reaffirming that civilizational achievements constitute the collective heritage of mankind, providing a source of inspiration and progress for humanity at large,
Welcoming the collective endeavour of the international community to enhance understanding through constructive dialogue among civilizations on the threshold of the third millennium,
1. Expresses its firm determination to facilitate and promote dialogue among civilizations;
2. Decides to proclaim the year 2001 as the United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations;
3. Invites Governments, the united Nations system, including the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and other relevant international and non-governmental organizations, to plan and implement appropriate cultural, educational and social programmes to promote the concept of dialogue among civilizations, including through organizing conferences and seminars and disseminating information and scholarly material on the subject, and to inform the Secretary-General of their activities;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to present a provisional report on activities in this regard to the General Assembly at its fifty-fourth session, and a final report to the General Assembly at its fifty-fifth session.

World Summit On The Information Society

Date of Issue (December 10, 2003)
The World Summit on the Information Society will be held in two phases. The first phase of WSIS will take place in GENEVA hosted by the Government of Switzerland from 10 to 12 December 2003. The second phase will take place in Tunis hosted by the Government of Tunisia, from 16 to 18 November 2005.


Resolution 73 of the International Telecommunication Union (Minneapolis, 1998) resolved to instruct the ITU Secretary General to place the question of the holding of a World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) on the agenda of the United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC now the United Nations System Chief Executive Board - CEB) and to report to the ITU governing body, the Council, on the results of that consultation. In his report to the 1999 session of the Council on that consultation, the Secretary - General indicated that the ACC had reacted positively and that a majority of other organizations and agencies had expressed interest in being associated with the preparation and holding of the Summit. It was decided that the Summit would be held under the high patronage of the UN Secretary-General, with ITU taking the lead role in preparations.

In 2001, the ITU Council decided to hold a Summit in two phases with the first phase to be held from 10 to 12 December 2003, in Geneva, Switzerland and the second from 16 to 18 November 2005 in Tunis, Tunisia.
The UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 endorsed the framework for the Summit adopted by the ITU Council. The Resolution also endorses the leading role of the Union in the Summit and its preparation, in cooperation with other interested organizations and partners.

The UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 further recommended that preparations for the Summit take place through an open-ended intergovernmental Preparatory Committee that would define the agenda of the Summit, decide on the modalities of the participation of other stakeholders in the Summit, and finalize both the draft declaration and the draft plan of action. It invited the ITU to assume the leading managerial role in the Executive Secretariat of the Summit and invited Governments to participate actively in the preparatory process of the Summit and to be represented in the Summit at the highest possible level.

In Resolution 56/183 the General Assembly also encouraged contributions from all relevant UN bodies and other intergovernmental organizations, including international and regional institutions, non-governmental organizations civil society and the private sector to actively participate in the intergovernmental preparatory process of the Summit and the Summit itself.
The Challenge

The global information society is evolving at break neck speed. The accelerating convergence between telecommunications, broadcasting multimedia and information and communication technologies (ICTs) is driving new products and services, as well as ways of conducting business and commerce. At the same time, commercial, social and professional opportunities are exploding as new markets open to competition and foreign investment and participation. The modem world is undergoing a fundamental transformation as the industrial society that marked the 20th century rapidly gives way to the information society of the 21st century. This dynamic process promises a fundamental change in all aspects of our lives, including knowledge dissemination, social interaction, economic and business practices, political engagement, media, education, health, leisure and entertainment. We are indeed in the midst of a revolution, perhaps the greatest that humanity has ever experienced. To benefit the world community, the successful and continued growth of this new dynamic requires global discussion.

The Opportunity

The World Summit on the Information Society will provide a unique opportunity for all key stakeholders to assemble at a high-level gathering and to develop a better understanding of this revolution and its impact on the international community. It aims to bring together Heads of State, Executive Heads of United Nations agencies, industry leaders, non-govemrnental organizations, media representatives and civil society in a single high-level event. The roles of the various partners (Member States, UN specialized agencies, private sector and civil society) in ensuring smooth coordination of the practical establishment of the information society around the globe will also be at the heart of the Summit and its preparation.

The anticipated outcome of the Summit is to develop and foster a clear statement of political will and a concrete plan of action for achieving the goals of the Information Society, while fully reflecting all the different interests at stake. The scope and nature of this ambitious project will require partnerships with public and private entities, and such partnerships will be actively sought in the coming months.

High Level Summit Organizing Committee (HLSOC)

A High-Level Summit Organizing Committee (HLSOC) has been established under the patronage of Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General and Chairman of the United Nations System Chief Executive Board for Coordination (CEB formally ACC)

Its purpose is to coordinate the efforts of the international United Nations family in the preparation, organization and holding of WSIS. All the members of the HLSOC have engaged to provide specific information about their work that will help develop the Summit themes. The HLSOC reports directly to the CEB and oversees the work of the Executive Secretariat.

The HLSOC is composed of a Representative of the United Nations Secretary- General and Executive Heads of the following UN specialized agencies: FAO, IAEA, ICAO, ILO, IMO, ITU, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNIDO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO. It comprises also the Director General of WTO, the Executive Director of UNITAR, the Executive Secretaries of the UN Regional Economic Commissions and the President of the World Bank. The Secretary- General of the International Telecommunication Union serves as Chairman of the HLSOC.

Executive Secretariat

Executive Director: Mr. Pierre Gagne
Deputy Executive Director: Mr. Art Levin
The Executive Secretariat of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS/ES) was established under the authority of the HLSOC to assist in the preparation of the Summit. It is based at the ITU headquarters in Geneva, with the following mandate and terms of reference:

The mandate of the ES is as follows:
  • Advise on all aspects of Summit preparation
  • Prepare progress reports on the preparation of the Summit
  • Develop an operation plan and a timetable for preparation of the Summit
  • Obtain sponsorship and funding

A number of different organizations, including government ministries, private companies, UN agencies and NG0s have sent experts to the WSIS Executive Secretariat on a full or part-time basis. The composition of the ES is as follows:
  • Staff from Member States
  • Staff from the UN specialized agencies participating in the HLSOC
  • Staff from the private sector
  • Staff from NG0s and Civil Society
Host Countries Executive Secretariats

Switzerland and Tunisia have created working secretariats under the direction of their respective Ambassadors to the World Summit.
Who will Participate?


All governments have a stake in the Information Society, whatever their level of national income or their infrastructure facilities. Governments are key for bringing the benefits of the Information Society to everyone through the development of national and global policies and frameworks to meet the challenges of the Information Society. In their pursuit of the public interest, governments can raise awareness, facilitate access to information for the public, and they also can lay the foundations for all citizens to benefit from Information and Communication Technologies in terms of improved quality of life, social services and economic growth.

Private Sector

The private sector, will play an active role in conjunction with government and civil society by offering an economically viable model to achieve the development Objectives on the world agenda. The contribution of the private sector is instrumental in creating the material conditions for universal access to information and value added ICT services. Its involvement in the Summit will promote economic growth and new partnerships, technology transfer, increase awareness of new technologies, and motivate the creation of local content development and skilled employment opportunities.

The private sector input to the Summit is being facilitated by the Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI), chaired by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Civil Society

Civil society is playing an active role in identifying the social and cultural consequences of current trends and in drawing attention to the need to introduce democratic accountability on the strategic options taken at all levels. Its diversity and, often, hands-on approach to issues, make civil society a key player in the renewed international partnership called for by the UN Secretary-General.

United Nations Family
The Summit offers a unique opportunity for the global community to reflect, discuss and give shape to our common destiny in an era when countries and people are interconnected as never before. The UN family of organizations serves as a catalyst for change by bringing together state governments, as well as the private sector, international institutions and civil society in pursuit of common goals. The United Nations system and its specialized agencies will be deeply involved in the organization and holding of the Summit, with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) taking a lead role.

How to Contribute?

The key opportunity to contribute and be part of the World Summit is to actively participate in the preparatory process of the World Summit. This can be done in the following suggested ways:
  • Build a constructive network
  • Stimulate multi-actor cooperation
  • Submit substantive inputs
  • Organize meetings
  • Organize training sessions
  • Formulate operational proposals
  • Provide funding and support
When and Where?

The Summit is being held under the high patronage of Kofi Annan, UN Secretary- General, with the International Telecommunication Union taking the lead role, in cooperation with other interested UN agencies, and will occur in two phases:

Geneva 2003: First Phase

The first phase of the World Summit will take place in Geneva hosted by the Government of Switzerland from 10 to 12 December 2003. It will address the broad range of themes concerning the Information Society and adopt a Declaration of Principles and plan of action, addressing the whole range of issues related to the Information Society.

Tunis 2005. Second Phase

The second phase of the World Summit will take place in Tunis hosted by the Government of Tunisia, from 16 to 18 November 2005. Development themes will be a key focus in this phase, and it will assess progress that has been made and adopt any further plan of action to be taken.

World Summit on Sustainable Development

Date of Issue (August 26, 2002)
World Summit on Sustainable Development

Date of Issue (August 26, 2002)
The World Summit on Sustainable Development is scheduled to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 26 August - 04 September 2002. This Summit will review progress made since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. In adopted Agenda 21 and principles popularly known as Rio Declaration Agenda 21 and the principles contained in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development established a comprehensive approach to the achievement of sustainable development, Pakistan had the honour of being the Chairman of the G-77 during the Rio Conference in 1992.
The Rio Declaration had proclaimed that the sole purpose of sustainable development is the promotion of human welfare. To achieve this objective Agenda 21 called for a global partnership based on the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities. At Rio, the international community had emphatically called for the elimination of unsustainable patterns of production and consumption. Commitments were made to provide funds and environmentally sound technologies to developing countries to ensure their development and poverty eradication. It was also agreed that environmental policies detrimental to economic and social development would be firmly eschewed.
The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)
The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) being held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 26 August - 04 September 2002 will be attended by over 65,000 high level delegates including the head of States and the governments, as well as, a large number of representatives from inter-governmental, non-governmental and private sectors. The Summit will take stock of the progress made in the 10 years since the UNCED in Rio de Janeiro and seek to reach agreement on further concrete steps to implement sustainable development. The Summit will also provide a unique opportunity for states to reaffirm their commitment to the principles of sustainable development reflected in Agenda 21 and range of negotiated multi-lateral treaties.
This Summit will have far reaching consequences in the determination of long term development strategies. Pakistan views the international community to be a partner in effort to achieve sustainable development by implementing the Rio consensus faithfully and fulfilment of the pledges made at the Rio Summit. Pakistan looks forward for the creation of an enabling environment for the developing countries to promote investment and growth to help eradicate poverty and to attain sustainable development globally.
Courtesy: Ministry of Environment, Local Government and Rural Development - Islamabad.